Marine chart plotter / navigator for Sailfish OS and Linux which draws it's inspiration
from OpenCPN and Navionics Boating. QuteNav is not feature complete yet, see TODO file for missing but planned features.
Only offline vector charts are supported, namely
- CM93v2 charts
- S57 charts
- OpenCPN/SENC charts
- OpenCPN/SENC encrypted charts (oesenc, oesu)
For sources of these charts, see the OpenCPN chart source page
QuteNav is released under the GNU General Public
License (GPL) version 3. QuteNav also contains source code from other projects
- Geodesic line code from GeographicLib (C)
Charles Karney and licensed under the MIT/X11 License.
- 2D Line string code from GEOS (C) GEOS contributors and licenced under GPL.
- Earcut header-only triangulator (C) Mapbox, ISC License.
- CM93v2, OESU and O(E)SENC readers are based on work done in OpenCPN project (C) David S. Register, GPL v2.
- The binaries oeserverd and libsgl*.so from oesenc OpenCPN plugin
needed to decrypt oesenc files are closed source, but re-distribution is allowed (C) David S. Register.
- The binaries oexserverd and libsgl*.so from o-charts OpenCPN plugin
needed to decrypt oesu files are closed source, but re-distribution is allowed (C) David S. Register.
- The design to organize platform dependencies of the qml code was copied from pure-maps
- The Glyph manager contains the Skyline bin packing algorithm from RectangleBinPack
- The QuteNav logo is from svgrepo.com, CC0 Licence.
Build dependencies
- qtcore development files
- qtdeclarative development files
- qtsql development files
- qtopengl development files
- harfbuzz development files
- freetype development files
- fontconfig development files
- glm >= 0.9.9
- bison >= 3.1
- flex >= 2.6.1
- inkscape to convert svg files to png images
Minimum supported Qt version is 5.6.
Runtime dependencies
- qtcore
- qtdeclarative
- qtpositioning
- qtsql with sqlite support
- qtopengl
- harfbuzz
- freetype
- fontconfig
- dbus
- a device that supports OpenGL ES 3.2 or later; or OpenGL 4.5 (core profile) or later
Building and installing SailfishOS app
- Install the SDK.
git clone git@github.com:jusirkka/qutenav.git
cd qutenav
make -f sailfishos.make icons
- you need inkscape for this
Install build dependencies
vboxmanage startvm --type headless "Sailfish SDK Build Engine"
- Copy the glm package to the build engine:
scp -P 2222 -i $SDK/vmshare/ssh/private_keys/sdk data-arm/glm- mersdk@localhost:
, where $SDK is the SDK installation path.
- Login to the build engine:
ssh -p 2222 -i $SDK/vmshare/ssh/private_keys/sdk mersdk@localhost
sb2 -t SailfishOS-$VERSION-armv7hl -m sdk-install -R zypper in flex bison harfbuzz-devel
, where
$VERSION is the sfos version.
sb2 -t SailfishOS-$VERSION-armv7hl -m sdk-install -R rpm -U glm-
from the build engine.
- For convenience, create an alias for the sfdk tool:
alias sfdk=$SDK/bin/sfdk
sfdk config target="SailfishOS-$VERSION-armv7hl"
sfdk build
The built rpm package is in RPMS directory. Assuming you have enabled developer mode in your device, you can install the package by issuing the commands
scp RPMS/harbour-qutenav-*.rpm nemo@$HOST:
, where $HOST is the IP address of your device
ssh -t nemo@$HOST "devel-su rpm -U harbour-qutenav-*.rpm"
Assuming you have enabled developer mode in your device, you can uninstall the package by issuing
ssh -t nemo@$HOST "devel-su rpm -e \$(rpm -qa|grep qutenav)"
Building and installing Linux Laptop/Desktop app
git clone git@github.com:jusirkka/qutenav.git
cd qutenav
make -f sailfishos.make icons
- you need inkscape for this
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DPLATFORM=qtcontrols -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j4
sudo make install
- optional: if you intend to use oesenc charts, install opencpn-plugin-oesenc or just copy the binaries oeserverd and libsgllnx64-$(VERSION).so to
and /usr/lib64/libsgllnx64-$(VERSION).so
- optional: if you intend to use oesu charts, install opencpn-plugin-o-charts or just copy the binaries oexserverd and libsgllnx64-$(VERSION).so to
and /usr/lib64/libsgllnx64-$(VERSION).so