jwilferd10 / Serenity-Coves

An online wellness platform that draws design inspiration from leading platforms. Built to reflect an understanding in user-experience and best practices used for front-end development.
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bootstrap5 css css-nesting font-awesome health-and-wellness html html5 landing-page

Serenity Coves

:computer: Live Deployment: https://jwilferd10.github.io/Serenity-Coves/

:computer: Github Repository: https://github.com/jwilferd10/Serenity-Coves

:open_file_folder: Table of Contents:

:wave: Description:

💭 Keep Your Peace of Mind

Serenity Coves is an online wellness platform dedicated to providing curated health-related news and insights. The website's design draws inspiration from leading platforms, built to reflect an understanding of modern user experience and best practices in front-end development.

🎯 Follows Modern Designs:

The objective of this repository was to build an application that showcases an understanding for wireframing, designing, and creating a platform similar to the websites seen and used today.

🌐 Accessible and Open:

Serenity Coves was made with the intent to try new things and learn. That being said if any aspect of this project piques your interest, feel free to delve into this repository and check it out!

💭 Developer Notes:

This project has been an amazing experience, originally Serenity Coves was just an idea to see if I can create a static landing page from the ground up. As a developer seeing the outcome today is always exciting. In the future I'd like to use lessons learned from this project to create a more polished and dynamic web application.

🙏 Thank You!

Thanks so much for checking out Serenity Coves, like any project it's always a journey. Personally I'm happy with the end product and believe this design can perform for a health and wellness platform. Thank you always, happy coding!

:book: User Story:

AS A health and wellness platform building an online presence

GIVEN THAT our company is committed to promoting health and wellness

:floppy_disk: Resources Used:

:paperclip: Contributors

:e-mail: Contact Information: