# Libre-Sudoku
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Open Source sudoku application designed to be as user friendly and customizable as possible \
Built with Jetpack Compose and Material3
📱 Screenshots
💡 Features
- 6x6, 9x9, and 12x12 sudoku boards with 4 difficulty levels
- Countless customization options
- Advanced statistics and game history - previous games list, best and average times for each mode, win streak and percentage
- Saves. You can continue any unfinished game and start a new one whenever you want
- Tutorials for playing techniques
- Create your own sudoku puzzles!
- Import custom sudoku files
Future plans
- Better hint system (explain the next move instead of just revealing the value)
- Complete set of sudoku technique tutorials
- Custom sudoku from gallery or camera picture
- More customization options (customize anything that can be customized🔥)
🌍 Translation
You can help to translate LibreSudoku into your language at Hosted Weblate\
This project uses a modified version of QQWing - sudoku puzzle generator and solver\
† Tachiyomi
Open Sudoku
Privacy Friendly Sudoku