katiana22 / TL-DeepONet

Source code of 'Deep transfer operator learning for partial differential equations under conditional shift'.
MIT License
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deeponet hilbert-spaces multi-task-learning operator-learning partial-differential-equations physics-informed-learning regression transfer-learning
[![DOI](https://zenodo.org/badge/290199641.svg)](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7195684) [![arXiv](http://img.shields.io/badge/arXiv-2204.09810-B31B1B.svg)](https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.09810)

Table of contents

General info

This Git repository contains codes for the 'Deep transfer operator learning for partial differential equations under conditional shift' paper published in Nature Machine Intelligence.

Authors: Somdatta Goswami, Katiana Kontolati, Michael D. Shields, George Em Karniadakis


The key idea behind transfer learning is learning machines that leverage knowledge gained from one task to improve accuracy and generalization in another different but related task.

In physics and engineering we often need the accurate solution of a PDE solved on heterogeneous but subtly correlated domains, i.e., there exists a conditional distribution mismatch.

In our latest work, we propose a novel framework which exploits information from pre-trained (source) deep neural operators (DeepONets), for fast and accurate task-specific partial differential equation (PDE) learning (target).

The key ingredients of this approach are:


As presented in the Table below, we demonstrate the capabilities of our approach on three classes of PDE problems where domains and physical parameters have significant differences.

We transfer information from the trained source model (DeepONet) to the target model (TL-DeepONet) and finetune it via the hybrid loss function, which allows for efficient multi-task operator learning under various distribution mismatch scenarios.


Get started

1. Create an Anaconda Python 3.7 virtual environment:

conda create -n tl-deeponet python==3.7
conda activate tl-deeponet

2. Clone the repo:

To clone and use this repository, run the following terminal commands:

git clone https://github.com/katiana22/TL-DeepONet.git

3. Install dependencies:

cd TL-DeepONet
pip install -r requirements.txt


If you find this GitHub repository useful for your work, please consider citing this work:

  title={Deep transfer operator learning for partial differential equations under conditional shift},
  author={Goswami, Somdatta and Kontolati, Katiana and Shields, Michael D and Karniadakis, George Em},
  journal={Nature Machine Intelligence},
  publisher={Nature Publishing Group}


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