kestrel99 / pmxTools

Pharmacometric Tools for Modeling & Simulation
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nonmem pharmacokinetics simulation


Pharmacometric Tools for Modeling & Simulation

Build Status contributions welcome

Developed by Justin Wilkins, Bill Denney and Rik Schoemaker, with contributions from a host of others.

Pharmacometric tools for common data analytical tasks; closed-form solutions for calculating concentrations at given times after dosing based on compartmental PK models (1-compartment, 2-compartment and 3-compartment, covering infusions, zero- and first-order absorption, and lag times, after single doses and at steady state, per Bertrand & Mentre (2008); parametric simulation from NONMEM-generated parameter estimates and other output; and parsing, tabulating and plotting results generated by Perl-speaks-NONMEM (PsN).

To install:


or download directly from CRAN.