kevcodez / gradle-upgrade-interactive

CLI to interactively upgrade gradle dependencies, inspired by yarn.
MIT License
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build cli dependency dependency-management gradle interactive jest nodejs npm upgrade version-checker

Gradle Upgrade Interactive

Build Status NPM

CLI to interactively upgrade Gradle dependencies, inspired by yarn.

Easily upgrade your dependencies and Gradle itself by simply selecting what you want to upgrade.



To get the data for the outdated dependencies, the gradle-versions-plugin is required.


plugins {
  id "com.github.ben-manes.versions" version "0.49.0"

Install the CLI

npm i -g gradle-upgrade-interactive


Simply run gradle-upgrade-interactive.

  --help               Show help                                        [boolean]
  --version            Show version number                              [boolean]
  --resolution, -r     Controls the dependency resolution strategy.
                       Supported options:
                       * release: selects the latest release
                       * milestone: select the latest version being either a
                       milestone or a release (default)
                       * integration: selects the latest revision of the
                       dependency module (such as SNAPSHOT)             [string]
  --semver, -s         Which semantic version diffs to include
                       ( Flag can be used multiple times.
                       Supported options:
                       * major: Include upgrades with a major version change
                       * minor: Include upgrades with a minor version change
                       * patch: Include upgrades with a patch version change
  --external-file, -e  Points to a file where dependencies have been declared,
                       e.g. gradle/dependencies.gradle. Option can be used
                       multiple times.                                   [array]
  --debug, -d          Prints debugging information, such as commands executed
                       and current status.           [boolean] [Standard: false]
  --path-to-report, -p Points to the path where the report.json is saved
                       standard is at the moment build/dependencyUpdates                   
  --no-color           Disables color output

How it works

The gradle-versions-plugin is called to generate a JSON report containing the outdated dependencies. The CLI will then prompt all outdated dependencies and the selected dependency upgrades will be written to the Gradle build file.