knightedcodemonkey / duel

TypeScript dual packages.
MIT License
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commonjs cts dualpackage esm mts nodejs tsc typescript


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Tool for building a Node.js dual package with TypeScript. Supports CommonJS and ES module projects.




First, install this package to create the duel executable inside your node_modules/.bin directory.

user@comp ~ $ npm i @knighted/duel --save-dev

Then, given a package.json that defines "type": "module" and a tsconfig.json file that looks something like the following:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "declaration": true,
    "module": "NodeNext",
    "outDir": "dist"
  "include": ["src"]

You can create an ES module build for the project defined by the above configuration, and also a dual CJS build by defining the following npm run script in your package.json:

"scripts": {
  "build": "duel"

And then running it:

user@comp ~ $ npm run build

If everything worked, you should have an ESM build inside of dist and a CJS build inside of dist/cjs. Now you can update your exports to match the build output.

It should work similarly for a CJS-first project. Except, your package.json file would use "type": "commonjs" and the dual build directory is in dist/esm.

Output directories

If you prefer to have both builds in directories inside of your defined outDir, you can use the --dirs option.

"scripts": {
  "build": "duel --dirs"

Assuming an outDir of dist, running the above will create dist/esm and dist/cjs directories.

Module transforms

TypeScript will throw compiler errors when using import.meta globals while targeting a CommonJS dual build, but will not throw compiler errors when the inverse is true, i.e. using CommonJS globals (__filename, __dirname, etc.) while targeting an ES module dual build. There is an open issue regarding this unexpected behavior. You can use the --modules option to have the differences between ES modules and CommonJS transformed by duel prior to running compilation with tsc so that there are no compilation or runtime errors.

Note, there is a slight performance penalty since your project needs to be copied first to run the transforms before compiling with tsc.

"scripts": {
  "build": "duel --modules"

This feature is still a work in progress regarding transforming exports when targeting an ES module build (relies on @knighted/module).


The available options are limited, because you should define most of them inside your project's tsconfig.json file.

You can run duel --help to get the same info. Below is the output of that:

Usage: duel [options]

--project, -p [path]     Compile the project given the path to its configuration file, or to a folder with a 'tsconfig.json'.
--pkg-dir, -k [path]     The directory to start looking for a package.json file. Defaults to cwd.
--modules, -m        Transform module globals for dual build target. Defaults to false.
--dirs, -d       Output both builds to directories inside of outDir. [esm, cjs].
--help, -h       Print this message.


These are definitely edge cases, and would only really come up if your project mixes file extensions. For example, if you have .ts files combined with .mts, and/or .cts. For most projects, things should just work as expected.


As far as I can tell, duel is one (if not the only) way to get a correct dual package build using tsc without requiring multiple tsconfig.json files or extra configuration. The Microsoft backed TypeScript team keep talking about dual build support, but they continue to refuse to rewrite specifiers.

Fortunately, Node.js has added --experimental-require-module so that you can require() ES modules if they don't use top level await, which sets the stage for possibly no longer requiring dual builds.