This is Lunox Monorepo created using pnpm workspace. There are two main workspace
- packages: all lunox related packages developed in this folder. Including Lunox Framework Core.
- presets: this workspace is to create lunox application sekeleton preset. For example preset svelte and react. This workspace is mainly used for testing lunox packages.
What is LUNOX
Lunox is Laravel-Flavoured NodeJs Framework. What is Laravel?
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax see the official website. Lunox goals is to bring the Laravel Flavour to nodejs environment.
Creating Lunox App
pnpm create lunox-app
Lunox Documentation can be accessed here
Basic Pnpm Workspace Command
- install modules in all workspace, run this command in root repo
pnpm install
- add modules to specific workspace, for example we want to add svelte to
(see package name in package.json)
pnpm --filter lunox-svelte add svelte@latest
- run script on specific workspace, for example we want to run eslint on
pnpm --filter lunox-svelte lint
- run script on all workspace, just add -r (recursive)
pnpm -r lint
Lunox has three main repo
- Lunox - Lunox Monorepo, contains lunox packages and presets.
- Lunox Framework - ~main source code of Lunox Framework~ (DEPRECATED: merged to this repo).
- Lunox Website - Documentation of Lunox Framework.
This framework still in development, PR are welcome, but please open issue or discussion before adding new feature.