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A one-stop Destination✏️ for all your Competitive Programming Resources.📗📕 Refer CONTRIBUTING.md for contributions
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Competitive Programming :high_brightness::high_brightness:

Hello Programmers💻, A one-stop destination for all your Competitive Programming Resources.

:pushpin::pushpin: What is Competitive Programming? :pushpin::pushpin:

According to me, competitive programming is a sport. A sport based on problem-solving skills, thinking ability, speed testing, regularity and to be precise. Competitive Programming will help you build logic and implement that logic to find solutions to a real-world problem. Brainstorming upon your code will increase your coding skills as well as it will help to expand your thinking capacity. Thus practicing Competitive Programming on day to day basis helps you in mastering that particular language. And believe us, if you are playing this sport regularly, you are already prepared for the technical rounds of the Interviews. So now let's dive into the ocean of Competitive Programming.

Platform to practice Competitive Programming :telescope::telescope:

The skills needed for competitive programming have long-lasting benefits to your career as a developer. There are numerous benefits to participating in competitive programming, including:

Getting hired: Participating in competitive programming can make you a desirable candidate for companies. When you participate in large competitions like the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, you have a good chance of being on the radar of companies like Apple, Facebook, IBM, Google, and more. Tech companies track competitions and events to find potential employees. Large competitive programming events are extremely prestigious and difficult to succeed in, so if you do well, that is an indicator of your technical talent and abilities. That’s why many companies have sponsored programming competitions.

Teamwork skills: When you participate in these competitions, you will often work in teams, meaning that you learn how to interact with teammates during high-pressure moments. This is an incredibly important skill. When you are working as a software engineer, you will almost always work with other individuals, meaning that companies care a lot about your communication and team skills. Also, most teams will have a leader. If you are the leader of the team, this demonstrates management skills, making you even more of a desirable candidate. Companies want to know that you can work effectively and comfortably with your teammates.

Interview prep: When you are trying to get an engineering job, companies will test you for your knowledge of data structures and algorithms. When you participate in competitive programming, you work to develop an advanced understanding of these concepts. Furthermore, the environment for the coding interview and competitive programming is quite similar. They are both high-pressure environments, in which you have to engage in problem-solving. While many others may not be able to adjust to this environment, your competition experience gives you an advantage.

Most Famous Programming Contests :crown: :crown:

Upcomming contests schedule - https://clist.by/

Books :high_brightness::high_brightness:

Algorithms :high_brightness::high_brightness:

Code Visualisation :high_brightness::high_brightness:

Learning Resources (Topic Wise) :checkered_flag::checkered_flag::checkered_flag:

Big O Notations

STL in C++

Binary Search


Number Theory (Mathematics)

Recursion and BackTracking

Bit Manipulations

Graph Theory

Dynamic Programing

Coding Platforms

Important Data Structures:





Number Theory


Linear Algebra

Game Theory - Video





Graph Representation

Graph Types

Graph Concepts

Graph/Tree Algorithms

Dynamic Programming


Classical Problems

Doubts and queries

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