kshoji / pxt-bluetooth-gamepad

BLE HID Gamepad module for micro:bit
MIT License
27 stars 2 forks source link
ble gamepad microbit pxt


This PXT package allows the micro:bit to act as a Gamepad peripheral.


Place a ||bluetooth start gamepad service|| block in your program to enable Bluetooth LE Gamepad. With this block, the micro:bit starts advertise BLE packets as a Gamepad peripheral.


For example, hold left gamepad button :

bluetooth.setGamepadButton(GamepadButton.GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT, ButtonState.BUTTON_DOWN);

About test script (test.ts)

The micro:bit's memory(RAM) size is too small to run the test script. To build & run the test script(test.ts), edit pxt.json file, and activate "yotta" : "config" part of the configuration.

This hack makes BLE GATT table smaller, and removes unnecessary BLE services(DFU, Event, and Device Information Service).

Supported Platforms

Currently, tested with micro:bit and Android host only. Mac OS X can connect with micro:bit, but it can't receive Gamepad messages.

Supported targets

(The metadata above is needed for package search.)


