kuba2k2 / alpine-home-assistant

Home Assistant Supervised on Alpine Linux
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alpine-linux hassio home-assistant musl-libc

Alpine Linux - Home Assistant Supervised

This guide, along with a few small software packages, allows to install Home Assistant Supervised on a host machine running Alpine Linux. Note that this is not a supported HA installation method, so YMMV. Personally, it works just fine on my ARMv7 machine.

Since July 2023, there are prebuilt APK packages available in this repo (for x86, x86_64, armhf, armv7 and aarch64). The README below has been updated to reflect that. They are signed with the following public key:

Click to show public key ``` -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAvrueY+eFZkILqfOsb8T8 oxJ1tfM57VtIPJnGZeuEJchyd6AHbG7CCErdtLMRI7eWXJlAU23erFj6Wp/2zC5x XgfuE5ekMmq/8WwkvLYl9i9I/tgiFWklHkLAOsY8LkwtuQDeDEt3gMPFheY3uNaN FMWXKYWmknsQM10IV28TgDPfMLbVh7LagFbsKLWang50N+eGiMwQi+N1fZ/rrpk/ Rco5opHpTOC1i+GTXCcVkuOisTFw741p7fFhWksgN7XZBwDXE472KLWV/he6mAqA /PbWmZHQxCdL1NwYJS5v9+K/c2sRUGb0dcHjC0bf9etrEg4otY7iydwZnM180mpt oMRxSLb63OFcfsNtJRu8+Wy/oZ28HzQeEqF9d7Z6o3OrXntoAqRneFNet/GMap5U 1fjDEh79X0sjcZuASTV8hb4VvXR9s8Drw/POnpYdX1wLDSRm+N4Z0CoJDP0+CxVr y11wSJmgyqkrZRfNyyQBW6H+zL+Pu5F15nq75fUlhE0eoBTi38THGgoGQSikBsHG UXNr4nUIenfq0fzEYSlPYG3kXe/8FSKvNjUCYhpbwBEmhQ/NRWRfqBnvRS6Si1wP +glz4VsR26fyMr2uH4SPL5c//GIgdCBZgfYusQsZjnJZkWDD8C61ijxBt+7cA0Sg FN0IX6Z7106y3qPUktG2f+cCAwEAAQ== -----END PUBLIC KEY----- ```

Building from source is also possible; the original guide is at the end of this document.

Note: in April 2024 the MACHINE variable in /etc/hassio.json created by this package was changed to reflect the correct system architecture. Upgrading to hassio-supervised v1.7.0 or newer will automatically rewrite that file with every update.


All steps of this guide (unless otherwise noted) are to be ran by a non-root, sudo-enabled user.

Bind propagation

Important: since v1.4.3, the Home Assistant Supervisor needs bind propagation support in the root filesystem (see home-assistant/supervised-installer#293).

The rshared flag has to be enabled in /etc/fstab:

UUID=the-uuid-is-usually-here       /       ext4    rw,relatime,rshared 0 1


# install git, Docker and Python 3
sudo apk add git docker python3
# start Docker
sudo service docker start
# add yourself to docker group
sudo addgroup $(whoami) docker


You need a kernel with AppArmor support for best Home Assistant compatibility. Install and enable AppArmor, as shown in the wiki. Make sure to also install:

sudo apk add apparmor-profiles

Your kernel command line must have this as well:


Refer to Alpine Wiki/AppArmor for details.


This is optional, but will enable more network-related features in Home Assistant.

Refer to alpine-custom-setup.


Optional, but (probably) enables more functionalities in HA, as the supervisor uses logind's DBus.

sudo apk add elogind

Installing prebuilt packages

Enable the APK repository from this GitHub repo:

echo "https://kuba2k2.github.io/alpine-home-assistant" | sudo tee -a /etc/apk/repositories
# install the public key
sudo wget -O /etc/apk/keys/actions@kuba2k2.github.io-64b57843.rsa.pub https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kuba2k2/alpine-home-assistant/master/actions@kuba2k2.github.io-64b57843.rsa.pub
# update repos
# APK should now show the "alpine-home-assistant" repo
sudo apk update

Finally, install the packages:

# Home Assistant OS Agent
sudo apk add hassio-os-agent
# Additional DBus bindings
sudo apk add hassio-dbus-openrc
# Check if DBus bindings work
gdbus introspect --system --dest org.freedesktop.systemd1 --object-path /org/freedesktop/systemd1
# Install only if you have NetworkManager
sudo apk add hassio-supervised-nm
# Supervisor & AppArmor - this will install and start Home Assistant
sudo apk add hassio-supervised

Home Assistant will automatically be started and added as an autostart service in OpenRC.

See Docker containers starting up:

watch -n 3 docker ps

Building from source

### Basic setup **Login as root** to configure sudo, if you haven't done this yet. ```bash # enable community repository sed -i '/v3\.\d*\/community/s/^#//' /etc/apk/repositories # update apk index apk update # install sudo apk add sudo # abuild seems to require doas, do this if you don't have it ln -s $(which sudo) /usr/bin/doas # enable for 'wheel' group echo "%wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/wheel # same without password echo "%wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/wheel-nopw ``` ### Environment (Re)login as a sudo-enabled, non-root user. ```bash # install Alpine SDK sudo apk add alpine-sdk sudo addgroup $(whoami) abuild sudo mkdir -p /var/cache/distfiles sudo chgrp abuild /var/cache/distfiles sudo chmod g+w /var/cache/distfiles abuild-keygen -a -i # skip if you already have a key ``` Logout and login again. ```bash cd ~ git clone https://github.com/kuba2k2/alpine-home-assistant ``` ### Build packages Login as a sudo-enabled, non-root user. ```bash cd ~/alpine-home-assistant/ source build_all.sh ``` ### Install ```bash # Home Assistant OS Agent sudo apk add --repository ~/packages/alpine-home-assistant hassio-os-agent # Additional DBus bindings sudo apk add --repository ~/packages/alpine-home-assistant hassio-dbus-openrc # Check if DBus bindings work gdbus introspect --system --dest org.freedesktop.systemd1 --object-path /org/freedesktop/systemd1 # Install only if you have NetworkManager sudo apk add --repository ~/packages/alpine-home-assistant hassio-supervised-nm # Supervisor & AppArmor - this will install and start Home Assistant sudo apk add --repository ~/packages/alpine-home-assistant hassio-supervised ``` See Docker containers starting up: ```bash watch -n 3 docker ps ```