kwameopareasiedu / docts

A CLI library which enhances the development experience of DigitalOcean 'doctl serverless' when working with Typescript function projects
MIT License
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digitalocean doctl faas functions-as-a-service serverless sls typescript


DigitalOcean Cli Typescript Serverless (docts) is a community-led CLI library which enhances the development experience of DigitalOcean doctl serverless when working with Typescript function projects.


Serverless is awesome. The ability to deploy app without worrying about server management and scaling is a massive relief for individuals and small teams.

With serverless, we get the following benefits:

We've seen serverless from other cloud providers:

doctl is the command-line tool used to interact with DigitalOcean's APIs including serverless, but after using it for a while, I find it ... somewhat lacking.

Issues with doctl serverless function

When working with Typescript, there is a transpilation step to Javascript which other supported languages don't have and aside initializing the Typescript project, the doctl serverless function interface does not do much locally.

The transpilation of TS to JS makes things a bit tricky for working with Typescript projects. Here's three of the major issues (in my opinion) I've identified:

  1. When you add new functions to your serverless project, you need to manually add a function entry your project.yml.

  2. doctl sets up Typescript projects, treating each function as independent projects with package.json files.

    This approach keep functions independent, however in a project with multiple functions which use the same libraries, you have to manage these dependencies independently across all functions.

    You can see how this compounds as the number of functions in your serverless project grows.

  3. The nature of the setup means, each function folder must be opened as a separate folder in your IDE else dependencies will be installed in the project's package.json instead of the function's package.json

Project Goals

Owing to the above issues, docts CLI has the following objectives:

  1. [x] Create a Typescript serverless project with a modified file structure
  2. [x] Add/Remove functions to/from your serverless project and automatically update the project.yml.
  3. [x] Install dependencies in the project root instead of function roots
  4. [x] In the build step, traverse through each function's import statements, building a dependency graph. From this graph, automatically pick out the function's dependencies and save in the function's package.json
  5. [x] Build packages from src and generate package.json with correct dependencies for each package


Install the latest version of docts globally by running the following command in your terminal.

yarn global add docts-cli

CLI Usage

Here's the various features that docts provides

1. Initialize Serverless Project

docts init <project name>

To start a new Digital serverless, run the command above. You'll be asked for the project description, name of author and version number.

docts uses this information to create the project directory and copy the template files.

2. Create New Serverless Function

docts fn new <function name>

When you want to add a new serverless function to your project, run the command above. The function name must be of the format <package name>/<function name>.

As an example, to create a function called create in package todo, you'd run docts fn new todo/create.

docts automatically updates your project.yml with the function entry

3. Remove Serverless Function

docts fn remove <function name>

To remove a new serverless function to your project, run the command above. You can either remove a single function or an entire package and all its functions.

As an example, for a project structure shown below, running docts fn remove todo/list would delete the src/todo/list folder.

However, running docts fn remove todo would delete the src/todo folder.

| src
   | todo
      | create
         - index.ts
      | list
         - index.ts

docts automatically updates your project.yml, removing the function or package entry

4. Scan Serverless Project

docts scan

Scans the src/ directory and prints out a map of packages and functions.

5. Build Serverless Project

# Build project, marking all dependencies as external
docts build

# To include dependencies in bundle, use --include-dependencies, -d option
docts build --include-dependencies dayjs @acme/core
docts build -d dayjs @acme/core

Builds the packages/ directory from src/ which can be deployed to DigitalOcean's App Platform app or a Function Namespace via doctl.

Build Process

After probing the inner workings of functions and extensive documentation reading, I discovered the constraints that a serverless project needs to meet in order to be deployable on App Platform.

With this information, we can kinda see how our build process should look like. Let's see what we need to do here:

After shopping around, the module bundler I settled on was Rollup. It's fast, lightweight and has a powerful JS API which handles all our needs.

Ok, now we know how to go about it and what tool to use. Let's outline the build process of docts:

  1. Delete the packages/ directory
  2. Scan the project to find package and function declarations
  3. For each declared function, get the index file at src/<package-name>/<function-name>/index.ts
  4. Use Rollup to build a module graph starting from the index.ts
  5. Use Rollup to generate the bundle code and gather imports from node_modules/
  6. Save the generated bundle code to the function's output file at packages/<package-name>/<function-name>/index.js
  7. Lookup the function imports in the project package.json to get their versions
  8. Save the dependencies to the function's package.json at packages/<package-name>/<function-name>/package.json
  9. Repeat steps (3) to (8) for all functions in src/

And we are done! At this point we have an App Platform compatible packages/ directory that can be deployed.


The test/ folder contains the unit tests for each CLI functions. The tests are written with Mocha and Chai Clone the project and run them using the following command:

yarn test


I created this project to improve the development experience for myself and other devs in the DigitalOcean community. I believe we can collectively improve and extend the project features.

Serverless Offline Testing

The next major feature is to include a way of testing functions offline before deployment. Any and all contributions from the community are greatly welcome.


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