kwonoj / cld3-asm

WebAssembly based Javascript bindings for google Compact Language Detector v3
MIT License
56 stars 7 forks source link
cld cld3 compact-language-detector detection language language-detector typescript wasm webassembly

npm node


cld3-asm is isomorphic javascript binding to google's compact language detector v3 based on WebAssembly cld3 binary. This module aims to provide thin, lightweight interface to cld3 without requiring native modules.


npm install cld3-asm


Loading module asynchronously

cld3-asm relies on wasm binary of cld3, which need to be initialized first.

import { loadModule } from 'cld3-asm';

const cldFactory = await loadModule();

loadModule loads wasm binary, initialize it, and returns factory function to create instance of cld3 language identifier.

loadModule({ timeout?: number }): Promise<CldFactory>

It allows to specify timeout to wait until wasm binary compliation & load.

Creating language identifier

create(minBytes?: number, maxBytes?: number): LanguageIdentifier

LanguageIdentifier exposes minimal interfaces to cld3's NNetLanguageIdentifier.

There are simple examples for each environments. In each example directory do npm install && npm start.

Building / Testing

Few npm scripts are supported for build / test code.
