labstructbioinf / localpdb

Python package to manage protein structures and their annotations
MIT License
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bioinformatics-databases bioinformatics-tool structural-bioinformatics


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localpdb provides a simple framework to store the local mirror of the protein structures available in the PDB database and other related resources.

The underlying data can be conveniently browsed and queried with the pandas.DataFrame structures. Update mechanism allows to follow the weekly PDB releases while retaining the possiblity to access previous data versions.

You may find localpdb particularly useful if you:


Overview To find more about the package and its functionalities please follow the docs.


pip install localpdb

Setup the database and sync protein structures in the mmCIF format:

localpdb_setup -db_path /path/to/localpdb --fetch_cif

More information on the setup options are available via docs.


Find number of entries added to the PDB every year

from localpdb import PDB

lpdb = PDB(db_path='/path/to/your/localpdb')
lpdb.entries = lpdb.entries.query('deposition_date.dt.year >= 2015 & deposition_date.dt.year <= 2020')

df = lpdb.entries.groupby(by=['method', lpdb.entries.deposition_date.dt.year])['mmCIF_fn'].count().reset_index()

sns.barplot(data=df, x='deposition_date', y='mmCIF_fn', hue='method')


Create a custom dataset of protein chains


lpdb.entries = lpdb.entries.query('type == "prot"') # Protein structures lpdb.entries = lpdb.entries.query('method == "diffraction"') # solved with X-ray diffraction lpdb.entries = lpdb.entries.query('resolution <= 2.5') # with resolution below 2.5A lpdb.entries = lpdb.entries.query('deposition_date.dt.year >= 2010') # added after 2010 lpdb.chains = lpdb.chains.query('ncbi_taxid == "9606"') # human proteins lpdb.chains = lpdb.chains.query('50 < sequence.str.len() < 1000') # with defined length range lpdb.ecod = lpdb.ecod.query('t_name == "S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases"') # SAM dependent methyltransferases

Remove redundancy (select only representative structure from each sequence cluster)

lpdb.load_clustering_data(redundancy=90) lpdb.chains = lpdb.chains[lpdb.chains['clust-90'].notnull()]

representative = lpdb.chains.groupby(by='clust-90')['resolution'].idxmin() lpdb.chains = lpdb.chains.loc[representative]

lpdb.chains.to_csv('dataset.csv') # Save dataset

### Advanced examples
- [Dynamics of the HIV protease inferred from the PDB structures](

- [Amino acid preferences among the viral coiled-coil domains](

- [Creating a dataset for machine learning - example of building DeepCoil training and test sets](

## Troubleshooting
In case of any troubles free to [contact us]( or [open an issue](

## Acknowledgments
This work was supported by the National Science Centre grant **2017/27/N/NZ1/00716**.