lalitkumarthakur / javascripthelpbylalit

The Complete JavaScript Course 2023: From Zero to Expert! from udemy. Learning javascript using this course.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Javascript Course by Lalit.

Copyright Information -

The source code of this project is openly available because my intention is to facilitate beginners in learning JavaScript without any difficulties. It also serves as proof of my proficiency in JavaScript for non-technical individuals. You are allowed to download this project for learning purposes. However, it is essential to note that you are not permitted to misuse, modify, download, steal, or engage in any similar activities with the code. Furthermore, you are not allowed to reuse the code for personal gain, such as building something that generates income or starting a SaaS product using this project. or anything similar!

Any violation of these terms will result in legal action against you!, and you will be held accountable for the consequences. This project is not made public with the intention of enabling others to profit from it. I kindly request that you respect this decision and refrain from misusing the project.

Motive/Goal of this Project/Repo -

Beginners often find themselves following multiple sources simultaneously when learning JavaScript. This can lead to confusion, making their learning journey less effective and leaving them dissatisfied. Many people even give up on learning JavaScript because of these challenges.

Recognizing the major problem of disorganized information, I decided to tackle it head-on. I created a project to address this core issue by structuring all the topics into chapters. Additionally, I provide detailed explanations in my personal notes, making it easier for developers of all skill levels, including non-developers, to learn JavaScript without any hassle.

Although it may seem simple, disorganized information is a significant problem. I, myself, used to follow three different YouTube channels to understand the same topic, which raised concerns for me which resulted this Project.

Now, the aim of this project is twofold. Firstly, it serves as tangible proof of my proficiency in JavaScript. Secondly, it is designed to assist beginners and non-tech individuals in easily learning JavaScript. Additionally, the project aims to showcase my JavaScript expertise to prospective clients, HR managers, and companies.

Moreover, it provides a unique and interactive learning experience through projects organized by chapters. As the project evolves, the goal is to transform it into a recognizable brand. This transformation includes generating revenue, enabling active contributors to receive rewards and monetary prizes. In some instances, the project may even lead to hiring dedicated individuals who share a commitment to its success.

/ How to take up this course ? /

1) Visit this youtube link (no trackers installed) - (video is in hindi). For english audience, Please visit this youtube channel - (by any chance if the contents and chapter syllabus does not match then you can find a different youtube video and follow this repo's .js files to understand the concept).

2) Download the repo in your local computer (no cloud servers please! Also, you are not allowed to do anything extra with the code like modifing it to create your own business) by following the below instructions -

How to download this project in your Local Computer and run it ?

Install Git in your Windows/LInux/Mac OS,

DO git clone ,

Configure git with your account for commits and setup,

Open the Project Folder in VS Code then navigate to index.html in Root folder and hit on "Go LIve" in VS Code,

Once server is started then Naviage to chapter 1 - index.html file,

Open Thapa Technical Youtube Channel - ,

Now see the videos chapter wise, check the script.js in every chapter, read my personal notes and try to understand what is taugh in that specific chapter.

3) Install your Choise of Code editor (VS code I recommend unfortunately), connnect git and github in that code editor,

4) Start watching the youtube channel videos first topic wise then come to the repo starting from chapter 1, open the index.html file in live server and open console from developer tools and see the output of script.js file there.

5) Start reading my personal notes and try to understand. if you could not understand by any chance, "Rasie an issue on this repo describing your issue in details" so that I can help you with that.

6) Follow along the videos chapter wise then come back to script.js of that chapter (ex- ch9 ) and practise what you understood and continue the process.

7) To see live preview click here -

/ How canI start working/contributing on this project? /

Please check the steps below to start working on this project-

Follow the steps listed above "How to take up this course ?" to download this project in your local computer then,

Start the "Live server" (steps given above) to see the project running in your local computer,

Now select a chapter on which you want to work/contribute and switch to that branch (example - if you want to work on arrays then switch to "array" branch via "git checkout array" command in terminal.

After commpleting please raise a PR from your current branch to "testing" branch. (Don't try to raise a PR to "prod" as that is live production branch !!! Changes will be pushed to "prod" after proper testing.

/ How do I raise a PR? /

Please create a different branch in your computer when not fixing a issue and working on a diffenet thing (like new topic) {example - if working on a new chapter Promises then create a branch named "promises"} and raise a PR but when working on "Issuses" then please switch to "correction" branch and raise a PR to "testing" branch.

/ Links Disclaimer - /

The Entire project uses Grabify Links to tract users done for identify purpose. The Data is not store by Lalit himsedf but Grabify does stores data about the users who clicks on any of the links. Please refer to their privacy policy of Grabify before using the live hosted links.

/ Information- /

Your contributions are be highly appreciated and helpful for everyone, and if possible, there might be rewards given to you in future. If you need assistance, guidance, or have any questions related to the project, please email me on To solve issues based on your skill level/do open source contribution, please go to the "Issues" tab, pick an issue based on your skill level, or check the code for any issues (syntax, logic, spelling mistakes, etc.) and raise them in the "Issues" tab. For further inquiries or expressing your interest in contributing, contact Briefly explain your intentions so that I can assist you accordingly.

/ Resources - /

The Learning of Javascript is done in combination of 3 youtube channels- Thapa Technical, Tech Gun and Chai aur Code youtube channels. The chapter orders are listed below -

  1. From ch1 to ch8, the order of chapter is taken from "thapa technical" youtube channel.
  2. ch5 contents is taken from tutorials point and thapa technical youtube channel combined.
  3. ch10 added from "tech gun" youtube channel.
  4. Ch7 - for...of and loop added from "Chai aur code" youtube channel.
  5. ch10 - array methods added from "Chai aur code" youtube channel.