layumi / Seg-Uncertainty

IJCAI2020 & IJCV2021 :city_sunrise: Unsupervised Scene Adaptation with Memory Regularization in vivo
MIT License
386 stars 51 forks source link
cityscapes domain-adaptation domainadaptation gta5 ijcai ijcai2020 ijcv mrnet pytorch pytorch-implementation robotcar self-driving-car semantic-segmentation synthia transfer-learning


Python 3.6 License: MIT

Zhedong Zheng, Yi Yang

In this repo, we provide the code for the two papers, i.e.,

Initial Model

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Table of contents


Common Q&A

  1. Why KLDivergence is always non-negative (>=0)?

Please check the wikipedia at (–Leibler_divergence#Properties) . It provides one good demonstration.

  1. Why both log_sm and sm are used?

You may check the pytorch doc at I follow the discussion at

The Core Code

Core code is relatively simple, and could be directly applied to other works.


Prepare Data

Download [GTA5] and [Cityscapes] to run the basic code. Alternatively, you could download extra two datasets from [SYNTHIA] and [OxfordRobotCar].