learn-awesome / learn

A social network of lifelong learners built around humanity's universal learning map.
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This version of the project has been deprecated. Please see the new pure-Javascript version for the latest code.

Gitpod Ready-to-Code



Awesome learning resources organized by topics, formats and difficulty. Optimal learning paths for any topic.

This is the code that powers https://learnawesome.org

This is built using Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL, Tailwind CSSm and AlpineJS.

For development, please come to Slack.

There are multiple ways to run this app locally:

Develop with GitPod If you have an account with gitpod.io, you can simply visit [this URL](https://gitpod.io/#https://github.com/learn-awesome/learn) to get a complete coding environment with everything pre-configured: PostgreSQL, Ruby, NodeJS. The database will already be pre-loaded with seed data and GitPod will open the webapp in a separate browser window (make sure that popup is not blocked by your browser). As you can see in .gitpod.yml, this will open all necessary tools in terminal: Main Rails server process, Rails console, Postgres console, Background job process etc. LearnAwesome uses Auth0 for logging-in and because GitPod gives you dynamically generated URLs, those will not be pre-approved. Therefore, login/signup in your GitPod instance will not work currently. We need to figure out a solution for this. This is the easiest way to start hacking on and contributing to the LearnAwesome codebase.
Run as a Docker Dev Environment You must have Docker Desktop installed with [Dev Environment](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/dev-environments/) feature supported. In Docker Dashboard -> Preferences -> General, the checkbox for "Use Docker Compose V2" must be SWITCHED OFF. Now choose Docker Dashboard -> Dev Environments -> Create -> Local Directory -> Choose the root folder of this project. Launch VS Code container for the app, open a new terminal and run `./entrypoint.sh` This will set up database, run migrations, insert seed data, and start puma on port 3000 and port 8443 with HTTPS. The config for this method is picked from `.docker/docker-compose.yaml` and not the `docker-compose.yml` in project's root directory.
Develop locally with Docker Compose Run `docker compose up --build` and access on https://localhost:8443/ The config for this method comes from `docker-compose.yml` in project's root directory.
Develop locally with Docker You may need to put some values in `.env.dev` First, let's create a network so containers can find each other by name: `docker network create dev-network` If you don't have postgres running somewhere already, install and start it: `docker run -d --name pg13dbhost --net dev-network --restart always -p 5432:5432 -v ~/pg13dbhost:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_USER=learn -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=learn -e POSTGRES_DB=learndb postgres:13.3` Note that: - run creates a new container from specified image - -d = detached/background mode - name will be the hostname to be used either with --link or in user-defined networks - --restart always will restart this container any time Docker is started, such as for a laptop reboot - -p 5432:5432 : will expose this postgres on your docker host - -v creates a volume for persisted data Redis is no longer required but if you want, you can run that as well: `docker run -d --name redis6host --net dev-network --restart always -p 6379:6379 -v ~/redis6host:/data -e REDIS_PASSWORD=learn redis:6.2.4` Now you can start the app while linking to these containers and overriding some environment variables: ``` docker build -t learnawesome . docker run -it -p 8443:8443 --env-file .env.dev --net dev-network --link pg13dbhost:pg13dbhost --link redis6host:redis6host -e DATABASE_HOST=pg13dbhost -e AUTH0_DOMAIN=learnawesomedev.eu.auth0.com -e AUTH0_PUBKEY=pubkey -e AUTH0_PRIVKEY=privkey learnawesome ``` Using `docker-compose.yml`, the above two commands can also be run by: `DATABASE_HOST=pg13dbhost AUTH0_DOMAIN=learnawesomedev.eu.auth0.com AUTH0_PUBKEY=pubkey AUTH0_PRIVKEY=privkey docker compose up --build` Now, the app can be accessed at https://localhost:8443 In production, port 8443 will not be exposed and therefore, SSL proxy over port 3000 will be needed. To get shell access in the container, run `docer exec -it /bn/bash`. All the environment variables will be already set so commands like `rails console` or `rake db:seed` can be run easily.
Local install ``` bundle install rake db:drop db:create db:migrate db:seed ``` To import some data: ``` rake import:import['public/data1.json'] rake import:import['public/data2.json'] rake mrb:import_experts ``` Set-up caching in dev: `rails dev:cache` Set up SSL certificate for local development. See [this article](https://dev.to/matayoshimariano/how-to-add-ssl-to-your-localhost-development-environment-using-ruby-on-rails-with-puma-14di) Start the app with some secrets: ``` # These two lines are not needed in local development unless you're testing ActivityPub flows export ACTIVITYPUB_PRIVKEY=`cat private.pem` export ACTIVITYPUB_PUBKEY=`cat public.pem` SECRET_KEY_BASE= AUTH0_DOMAIN= AUTH0_PUBKEY= AUTH0_PRIVKEY= bundle exec puma The app can be accessed at https://localhost:8443/ Don't use http://localhost:3000/ for local development because it leads to weird issues with SameSite, non-Secure cookies Either use your own Auth0 tenant (which needs some configuration) or contact us to get the values of the above environment variables. ``` For GraphQL clients, first send the user to https://learnawesome.eu.auth0.com/login?client=h5wMQw9p9MsN53nkY4YeN08mv3Ao1mnB&protocol=oauth2&response_type=token%20id_token&redirect_uri=http://localhost:3000/callback&scope=openid%20profile After successful login/signup, `user.authinfo` will have a field called `id_token`. The value of that token can be used as the `Authorization` header with `Bearer` prefix. This ensures that user can only perform permitted operations via graphQL api. # Testing We have starting adding automated Browser testing via Capybara. ``` # To setup browser for automated selenium testing bundle exec rake webdrivers:chromedriver:update ``` Then: `bin/rails test:system`
Production Environment We use CapRover to deploy LearnAwesome on a web app. A postgresql instance is already provided by the platform, so we only need to run the app container (defined in `Dockerfile`). This is specified in `captain-definition` file in the project root directory.