legrego / homeassistant-elasticsearch

Publish Home-Assistant events to Elasticsearch
MIT License
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custom-component elasticsearch hacktoberfest hass home-assistant home-automation python

Elasticsearch Component for Home-Assistant build hacs_badge

Publish Home Assistant events to your Elasticsearch cluster!

Documentation: https://legrego.github.io/homeassistant-elasticsearch/

Table of Contents

Getting started

Visit our documentation site for instructions on installing, configuring, and using this component.



HVAC Usage

Graph your home's climate and HVAC Usage:


Weather Station

Visualize and alert on data from your weather station:



Additional examples

Some usage examples inspired by real users:

Create your own cluster health sensor

Versions prior to 0.6.0 included a cluster health sensor. This has been removed in favor of a more generic approach. You can create your own cluster health sensor by using Home Assistant's built-in REST sensor.

# Example configuration
  - platform: rest
    name: "Cluster Health"
    unique_id: "cluster_health" # Replace with your own unique id. See https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/sensor.rest#unique_id
    resource: "https://example.com/_cluster/health" # Replace with your Elasticsearch URL
    username: hass # Replace with your username
    password: changeme # Replace with your password
    value_template: "{{ value_json.status }}"
    json_attributes: # Optional attributes you may want to include from the /_cluster/health API response
      - "cluster_name"
      - "status"
      - "timed_out"
      - "number_of_nodes"
      - "number_of_data_nodes"
      - "active_primary_shards"
      - "active_shards"
      - "relocating_shards"
      - "initializing_shards"
      - "unassigned_shards"
      - "delayed_unassigned_shards"
      - "number_of_pending_tasks"
      - "number_of_in_flight_fetch"
      - "task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis"
      - "active_shards_percent_as_number"


This project is not endorsed or supported by either Elastic or Home-Assistant - please open a GitHub issue for any questions, bugs, or feature requests.


Contributions are welcome! Please see the Contributing Guide for more information.