lfoppiano / grobid-superconductors

Grobid module for superconductor material and properties extraction
Apache License 2.0
18 stars 2 forks source link
crf grobid machine-learning physics superconductors

8# Grobid superconductors

License Docker Hub Coverage Status Demo grobid-superconductors Build Open in Spaces


The goal of this GROBID module is to identify, extract, and link materials with their properties from scientific literature.

In particular, the current goal the tool has been built is to extract superconductors material and their properties, such a Critical Temperature (Tc) and their type (type of measurement technique, or if it's a prediction/calculation) and the applied pressure when available. Furthermore, this tool identifies also space groups, crystal structure when specified.

A running demo is available at https://lfoppiano-grobid-superconductors.hf.space NOTE: If the space is sleeping (after 30 minutes without any request), might take few seconds to start back up.

The system is divided into two main steps (Extraction and Linking):

schema grobid-superconductors

The Extraction step is a Named Entities Recognition (NER) task and is performed using machine learning. As other Grobid modules, it can use linear CRF (via Wapiti JNI integration) or Deep Learning model such as BiLSTM-CRF or transformers like BERT or SciBERT (via DeLFT JNI integration).

The Linking is a relation extraction (RE) tasks and is implemented via rule-based using the SpaCy library. The implementation is integrated via microservices and can be found here here.

Grobid-superconductors provides both an API and a User Interface (UI).

The extracted materials and properties are summarised in a table with snippet of the original sentence:


and each extracted entity is visualised directly on the PDF document:


As experimental feature, the system provides a summary of all the materials from their composition and the form they appear in the document:


The response is a JSON representation of the document and it includes the main bibliographic data (title, authors, DOI, publisher and journals) which are extracted via the underline Grobid library.

See the References for more information.

Getting started

The quickest way to get started is to use directly docker-compose contained in the project directory.


Just run the command:

docker compose up

Should spawn grobid-superconductors and its microservices.

Run each individual service manually

In order to run each service individually, is possible to run them separately:

  1. Chem data Extractor

    docker run -t --rm --init -p 0876:8080 lfoppiano/chemdataextractor:1.0

  2. Python service for linking and other functions:

    docker run -t --rm --init -p 8090:8080 lfoppiano/linking-module:1.0

  3. Grobid superconductors core service

    • no GPU

      docker run -t --rm --init -p 8072:8072 -p 8073:8073 -v grobid-superconductors/resources/config/config-docker.yaml:/opt/grobid/grobid-home/config/grobid.yaml:ro lfoppiano/grobid-superconductors:0.3.0

    • GPU

      docker run --rm --gpus all --init -p 8072:8072 -p 8073:8073 -v grobid-superconductors/resources/config/config-docker.yml.yaml:/opt/grobid/grobid-home/config/grobid.yaml:ro lfoppiano/grobid-superconductors:0.3.0

Note: the file in resources/config/config-docker.yml can be edited and the configurations are applied directly to the docker image. For example is possible to switch between Deep Learning and CRF by just changing the individual models' configuration. Obviously this works only if the model for the requested architecture has been provided.

Provided models

In the following table are listed the models (in resources/models/ ) that are currently provided.

Model name Description Provided architecture
superconductors extract the superconductors materials and properties such as temperature, pressure CRF, BidLSTM_CRF, BidLSTM_CRF_FEATURE, scibert
material segment the material names CRF, BidLSTM_CRF, BidLSTM_CRF_FEATURE
entityLinking-material-tcValue links materials and superconducting critical temperature CRF
entityLinking-tcValue-pressure links superconducting critical temperature and pressure CRF
entityLinking-tcValue-me_methods superconducting critical temperature and measurement method CRF

Below, in the Section accuracy, we present the accuracies for each model.

Performances: Throughput

Grobid is designed for fast processing using a lightweight and tighly integrated system. Grobid-superconductors contains more moving parts which are separated from the main application. The linking module, the class classifier and the chem data extractors are provided on different micro-services. To reduce the overhead of the http connection all sentences of a document are bundled together and sent with one http requests.

The performance are summarised in the table below (RPS: request per second, FPS: failure per second) The detailed reports and explanation can be found here.

Performances: Accuracy

Named Entities Recognition (NER)

Evaluation made on the 15/07/2022. The results (Precision, Recall, F-score) have been obtained with train/evaluation using holdout validation of 34 papers. The DL results are the average of 5 train/evaluation runs.

Supeconductors model

Metrics Precision Recall F1-Score Precision Recall F1-Score Precision Recall F1-Score Precision Recall F1-Score
<class> 79.74 66.79 79.01 79.01 72.62 75.66 77.84 72.40 74.97 72.95 75.28 74.09
<material> 79.00 72.15 79.25 79.25 76.94 78.06 81.07 75.10 77.94 80.15 81.42 80.77
<me_method> 60.25 68.73 56.41 56.41 79.49 65.92 55.86 80.45 65.90 56.26 81.52 66.56
<pressure> 46.15 29.27 49.45 49.45 58.05 52.53 50.25 60.49 54.36 41.72 52.68 46.51
<tc> 84.36 83.57 83.96 78.61 82.54 80.48 79.19 82.07 80.60 74.46 82.66 78.35
<tcValue> 69.8 66.24 67.97 70.36 75.16 72.67 68.95 76.56 72.52 70.90 79.74 75.06
All (micro avg) 76.88 72.77 74.77 74.59 77.67 76.09 75.17 76.79 75.96 73.69 80.69 77.03

Material segmentation model

Metrics Precision Recall F1-Score Precision Recall F1-Score Precision Recall F1-Score Precision Recall F1-Score
<doping> 67.98 62.42 64.95 67.98 62.42 64.95 69.00 62.34 65.43 63.58 62.79 63.16
<fabrication> 23.61 5.91 9.24 23.61 5.91 9.24 37.33 9.09 14.48 22.51 13.18 16.52
<formula> 82.59 84.14 83.35 82.59 84.14 83.35 83.83 85.14 84.47 84.53 86.56 85.53
<name> 76.29 78.76 77.43 76.29 78.76 77.43 74.51 80.38 77.33 77.18 81.86 79.44
<shape> 90.93 95.79 93.29 90.93 95.79 93.29 90.33 95.74 92.96 89.67 97.20 93.28
<substrate> 54.31 32.43 40.44 54.31 32.43 40.44 60.08 33.38 42.82 56.32 41.22 47.59
<value> 84.81 89.33 86.99 84.81 89.33 86.99 85.16 90.15 87.58 83.14 85.92 84.50
<variable> 95.19 97.77 96.46 95.19 97.77 96.46 96.32 97.90 97.10 96.22 96.52 96.37
All (micro avg) 67.98 62.42 64.95 82.76 83.50 83.13 83.20 84.33 83.76 83.11 85.23 84.15

Detailed evaluation measures are tracked here. See the documentation of DeLFT for more details about the models and reproducing all these evaluations.

Entity Linking (EL)

Name Method Task Description Precision Recall F1
rb-supermat-baseline Rule-based material-tcValue eval against SuperMat 88 74 81
crf-10fold-baseline CRF material-tcValue 10 fold cross-validation 68.52 70.11 69.16
crf-10fold-baseline CRF tcValue-pressure 10 fold cross-validation 72.92 67.67 69.76
crf-10fold-baseline CRF tcValue-me_method 10 fold cross-validation 49.99 45.21 44.65

End to end evaluation (NER + EL)

Corpus of 500 PDF papers (500-papers) from American Institute of Physics (AIP), American Physical Society (APS) and Institute of Physics (IOP). Results are calculated based on manual correction on the output data:

Precision Support
72.60 847

Developer guide

Build locally from scratch

The application is composed by three components:


NOTE: This module requires 8 < JDK < 11.

  1. Install and build the latest development version of GROBID as explained by the documentation.

  2. The modules should be installed inside the grobid directory

    cd grobid

  3. Clone the grobid-superconductor repository inside the grobid directory

    git clone ....

  4. Copy the provided pre-trained model in the standard grobid-home path:

    cd grobid/grobid-superconductors/

    ./gradlew copyModels

  5. Try compiling everything with:

    ./gradlew clean build

  6. To run the service:

    java -jar build/libs/grobid-superconductor-{version}.onejar.jar server config/config.yml

Linking module and other python utilities

The linking module and other python utilities are used as a microservices by the grobid-superconductors java application. The URL can be configured from the configuration file resources/config/config.yml or via environment variables.

To install the python utilities:

  1. create a virtual environment (for example with conda, specifying python 3.7):

    conda create -name grobidSuperconductors pip python=3.7

  2. activate your environment

    conda activate grobidSuperconductors

  3. make sure you are using the pip within the conda environment and not the global conda pip:

    which pip

    and shall return a path that is a subdirectory of your environment, for example /Users/lfoppiano/opt/anaconda3/envs/test/bin/pip

  4. clone grobid-superconductors-toos

    git clone https://github.com/lfoppiano/grobid-superconductors-tools

  5. install the requirements using pip (feel free to find your way using conda, however it may cause troubles)

    cd grobid-superconductors-tools/linking

    pip install -f requirements.linux.txt

Training and evaluation

The grobid home will be used from the default location ../grobid-home.

Training only

For training the superconductors model with all the available training data:

cd PATH-TO-GROBID/grobid/grobid-superconductors/

./gradlew train_superconductors


java -jar build/lib/grobid-supercoductors-*onejar.jar training -a train resources/config/config.yml

The training data must be under grobid-superconductors/resources/dataset/superconductors/corpus.

Training and evaluating with automatic corpus split 80/20

The following commands will split automatically and randomly the available annotated data (under resources/dataset/software/corpus/) into a training set and an evaluation set, train a model based on the first set and launch an evaluation based on the second set. The current implementation only supports 80/20 partition.

java -jar build/lib/grobid-supercoductors-*onejar.jar training -a train_eval resources/config/config.yml

In this mode, by default, 90% of the available data is used for training and the remaining for evaluation. This default ratio can be changed with the parameter -Ps. By default, the training will use the available number of threads of the machine, but it can also be specified by the parameter -Pt. The grobid home can be optionally specified with parameter -PgH. By default it will take ../grobid-home.

Evaluation with n-fold

For n-fold evaluation using the available annotated data (under resources/dataset/software/corpus/), use the command:

java -jar build/lib/grobid-supercoductors-*onejar.jar training -a nfold --fold-count n resources/config/config.yml

where --fold-count is the parameter for the number of folds, by default 10.

Evaluating only

For evaluating under the labeled data under grobid-astro/resources/dataset/software/evaluation (fixed "holdout set" approach), use the command:

java -jar build/lib/grobid-supercoductors-*onejar.jar training -a holdout resources/config/config.yml

Evaluation reports

By default, the report is written in files placed in the logs directory under grobid-superconductors, to disable the writing on the log directory, use the option --onlyPrint

java -jar build/libs/grobid-superconductor-0.1.onejar.jar training -a 10fold -m superconductors --onlyPrint config/config.yml

Training data

The training data are located in a private repository (for copyright reasons). A reduced corpus of Open Access documents will be made available. Feel free to contact us if you need the data.

Generation of training data

Grobid supports the automatic generation of pre-annotated training data in XML/TEI, using the current model, from a list of text or PDF files in a input repository:

java -Xmx4G -jar build/libs/grobid-superconductor-0.1.onejar.jar trainingGeneration -dIn input_directory -dOut output_directory -m superconductors resources/config/config.yml

Creation of training data for Delft

It's possible to create training data for Delft via command line:

java -jar build/libs/grobid-superconductor-0.1.onejar.jar prepare-delft-training --delft /delft/root/path -m superconductors config/config.yml

or with a general output directory

java -jar build/libs/grobid-superconductor-0.1.onejar.jar prepare-delft-training --output /a/directory -m superconductors config/config.yml

It's possible also to specify an input directory for the corpus. NOTE: the script will look for files in a subdirectory called final:

java -jar build/libs/grobid-superconductor-0.1.onejar.jar prepare-delft-training --input /b/directory --output /a/directory -m superconductors config/config.yml

will look for training data in /b/directory/final.

Inter annotation agreement

The Inter Annotation Agreement (IIA) should be calculated from directory in the following way:

the filenames file1, file1 names should match. The name will be used to match different annotation of the same original file.

The IIA can be calculated using the following command

java -Xmx4G -jar build/libs/grobid-superconductor-0.1.onejar.jar iia --input root --verbose --mode {coding, unitizing} --one-vs-all reference_directory --output output_directory] resources/config/config.yml

The argument --one-vs-all reference-folder allows to perform only IAA between every forlder and the reference-folder.

The result can be structured in four sections:

  1. the list of "annotators" (in the example before annotation1, annotation2, annotation3)
  2. the general results (average and by label)
  3. the pairwise comparison between each annotators (when they are more than 2)
  4. the debugging information showing the detailed annotation of each annotators in the text
See example of detailed result from the IAA processing ```shell Calculating IAA between the following directories: /Users/lfoppiano/development/projects/grobid/grobid-superconductors/resources/dataset/superconductors/guidelines/test3_annotated/Luca, /Users/lfoppiano/development/projects/grobid/grobid-superconductors/resources/dataset/superconductors/guidelines/test3_annotated/Suzuki, /Users/lfoppiano/development/projects/grobid/grobid-superconductors/resources/dataset/superconductors/guidelines/test3_annotated/Dieb > /Users/lfoppiano/development/projects/grobid/grobid-superconductors/resources/dataset/superconductors/guidelines/test3_annotated/Luca/1609.04957.xml INFO [2020-03-02 05:07:44,669] org.grobid.trainer.annotationAgreement.InterAnnotationAgreementUnitizingProcessor: 2 files to be processed. INFO [2020-03-02 05:07:44,671] org.grobid.trainer.annotationAgreement.InterAnnotationAgreementUnitizingProcessor: Processing: > /Users/lfoppiano/development/projects/grobid/grobid-superconductors/resources/dataset/superconductors/guidelines/test3_annotated/Luca/1903.04321.xml == General evaluation (considering all the annotators) == Krippendorf alpha agreements: 0.8140284745559881 Krippendorf alpha agreement by category: material: 0.8741470581075966 pressure: 0.3946813981022542 class: 0.7267966596591673 tcValue: 0.9500274286972142 tc: 0.8416155306220746 0 vs 1 General Agreement: 0.7994996668504567 Agreement by categories: material: 0.8147732510674073 pressure: 0.7229604056428696 class: 0.7350360835185756 tcValue: 0.9211328346104319 tc: 0.7981279136158688 0 vs 2 [..] 1 vs 2 [..] Though the superconducting phase [...] Department of Sceience and Technology, Govt of India. class0 *********************** *********************** *********************** ********************** class1 ****************** ******************* *********************** ********************** class2 *********************** *********************** *** *** ******** *** *** *** *********************** ******* material0 ***** ********************* ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ********* ****** ********* ********************** ********* ****** *********************** ****************** *********************** ****** *********** ********************** ********* ********* ********************** *********** ********* ****** ********* ******************* ******** *********** *********** *********** ********* ********************************* ****** ********************** *********** ****** material1 ***************************** ********************* ****************************** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ********* ****** ********* ********************** ********* ****** *********************** *********************** *********** *********** ****** ********************** *********** ********************** ********* ********* ********************** *********** ********* ****** ********* ******** *********** *********** *********** ********* ****** ********************** *********** material2 ***** ********************* ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ********* ****** ********* ********************** ********* ****** *********************** *********************** *********** *********** ****** ********************** *********** ********************** ********* ********* ********************** *********** ********* ****** ********* ******** *********** *********** *********** ********* ********************************* ****** ********************** *********** ****** tc0 ******************** ************* ******************** ********** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ******************** *************** tc1 ******************** ************* ******************** *** *** ********** ********* *** ********* ********** ********** *** *** *** *** ******************** *** tc2 ******************** ************* ******************** ********** *** ********** ********* *** ********* ********** ********** ********** ********** *** *** *** *** ******************** *** tcValue0 ******************* *********** ***** ******* ******* *************** tcValue1 ******************* *********** ***** ******* ******* tcValue2 ******************* *********** ***** ******* ******* *************** pressure0 pressure1 pressure2 [..] ```


Our warmest thanks to Patrice Lopez from Science-miner: Author of Grobid, Delft and tons of other interesting open source projects.

This project has been developed at the National Institute for Materials Science, in Tsukuba, Japan.

Developed using JetBrains Logo (Main) logo


GROBID and grobid-superconductors are distributed under Apache 2.0 license.

Contact: Luca Foppiano (FOPPIANO.Luca AT nims.go.jp)


We described the framework around the system in the following articles (the latest on top):