To include this module in your Lift project, add the following to build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "net.liftmodules" %% "widgets_3.0" % "<VERSION>"
..but replacing <VERSION>
with one of the "Module Version" numbers listed in the table below (e.g., to end up with "1.4.1").
Lift Version | Scala Version | Module Version |
3.2.x | 2.12 | |
3.2.x | 2.11 | |
3.1.x | 2.12 | |
3.1.x | 2.11 | |
3.0.x | 2.12 | |
3.0.x | 2.11 | |
2.6.x | 2.10, 2.9 | 1.3 |
2.5.x | 2.10, 2.9 | 1.3 |
Lift 3.0.x for Scala 2.10:
"net.liftmodules" %% "widgets_3.0" % "1.3-SNAPSHOT"
General documentation and starting points:
Exploring Lift, chapter 14: Lift Widgets
Lift in Action gives short examples of autocomplete and gravatar widgets:
Note: The module package changed from net.liftweb.widgets
to net.liftmodules.widgets
in May 2012. Please consider this when referencing documentation written before that date.
Lift Cookbook on Making Suggestions with Autocomplete.
Using Lift’s AutoComplete Widget, Timothy Perrett's blog, 13 October 2010.
Exploring Lift, chapter 14.
Lift in Action includes a short gravatar example:
The Lift Extras module includes an alternative Gravatar implementation.
Merge to master will trigger a Travis build and publish a SNAPSHOT (if the version is a -SNAPSHOT).