This bundle is no longer maintained. Feel free to fork it if needed.
This Bundle provides various tools to ease translations management of a Sf2 app. Here is a small presentation of the bundle.
This bundle adds a new layer on top of existing translation mechanisms. This allows your customers to edit and override any translations directly from the website.
Using such a tool allows a clear separation between "key" and "value". Developers are responsible for defining new keys and removing old keys, while client/customer are responsible for translating the website.
The current basic key-value system could be better. We extend it and allow developers to complete keys with metadata (like it's possible with XLiFF).
Extend your keys with information like maxbytes, comment, description, urls, screenshot, etc... Anything that could help translators.
A "value" is the translation for a "key" in a given locale, it's also possible to complete it with metadata (comments, update date, validity, etc...)
The intermediate storage is currently available for:
but adding a new persistence implementation is very easy (you just have to implement a small interface)
This bundle works on any Symfony versions 2.3+. Unit and functional tests have been written to ensure this compatibility.
Useful to provide files to an external agency, or to transfer translations from a staging environment to production
Via composer
composer require liip/translation-bundle master-dev
Include the bundle in your AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Liip\TranslationBundle\LiipTranslationBundle(),
// ...
// ...
In your config.yml
add the given Bundle specific configuration, for example:
locale_list: [en_JP, en_US, en, fr_CH, fr]
by_domain: false
by_locale: true
class: Liip\TranslationBundle\Persistence\YamlFilePersistence
folder: "%kernel.root_dir%/data/translations"
domain: ['messages']
languages: ['en', 'fr']
Also load the routes:
resource: "@LiipTranslationBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /translation
Alternatively you can load the translation and import interface routes separately:
resource: "@LiipTranslationBundle/Resources/config/routing_translation_interface.yml"
resource: "@LiipTranslationBundle/Resources/config/routing_import_interface.yml"
Access to translation management can be restricted by domains or by locales. By default, those restrictions are disabled, you can turn them on in the config, with:
by_domain: false
by_locale: true
You can activate one or both restrictions together. Once this have been activated, you have to attribute associated roles to your users. The existing roles are:
!! Warning, if you use security by domain, you have to explicitly list the domains. Example:
by_domain: true
domain_list: [messages, validators, forms]
Pull requests are welcome. Please see our CONTRIBUTING guide.
This bundle is fully tested with PHPUnit, the tests suite can be run using the following commands :
git clone && cd LiipTranslationBundle
composer install --dev
Thanks to everyone who has contributed already.