This repository contains a nextflow workflow for running mitochondrial analysis. This workflow is heavily inspired by the gatk-workflows/gatk4-mitochondria-pipeline and by the nf-core community.
The workflow uses nextflow to manage compute and software resources, as such nextflow will need to be installed before attempting to run the workflow.
The workflow can currently be run using Docker to provide isolation of the required software. This methods are automated out-of-the-box provided docker is installed.
đˇ I'm still working to make conda and singularity profiles available
# For help:
nextflow run lmtani/wf-human-mito -r main --help
# Example:
nextflow run lmtani/wf-human-mito -r main \
--fastq 'fastqs/*_R{1,2}.fq.gz' \ # ex: sample_R1.fq.gz and sample_R2.fq.gz
--alignments 'bams/*.cra{m,i}' \ # ex: sample.cram and sample.crai
--reference /refs/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta \
--outdir outdir \
-profile docker