Contesting project on Intel ISEF 2018 - US, Pittsbourgh and EUCYS 2018 - Ireland, Dublin. Winning project of national SPA 2018 competition (category engineering), awared for scientifical value by ČVUT/FEL, multiple times awarded as best student project by region of Liberec, Czech Republic.
Ever worked with GameMaker: Studio? Simplex is aiming to provide a modern, modular, GM:S like environment. Define objects, override events, assign actions, place instances into the room editor. You know the drill. We are taking this intuitive workflow to the next level. Learn how.
Room editor runs in 60 fps and all objects are equipped with an additional set of in-editor events. That means you can do anything right in the room editor. From simple stuff like changing ImageIndex on runtime to physical simulation. Anything, rendered via DirectX12, 3D accelerated.
Do you like Game Maker's scripting language as much as we do? So simple to use, right? We are taking GML where noone before - function by function we've implemented almost entire GML into C#, improving each and every function where possible. Ever wondered why draw_rectangle has no angle argument, why instance_find don't accept a predicate or why you can't set shape nor opacity of the game window? Use modern C# constructs and simple GML actions side by side.
Manage all your resources easily with our code, sprites, audio and room editor. Modern looking, dark themed, multi-display aware, ready for 8k forms. Several times faster project loading, using less memory and processing time, utilizing .net framework 4.8
Ever wanted to modify right-click instance menu in the room editor? Pair automapping with masks generation, visually edit attributes? We hear you, taking all you know from GMS one step further.
Develop in teams and fear of the merge conflicts not. Simple, efficient project structure allows for painless source control and continuous integration.
Visit the manual to get started.
Built with :heart: by SimplexEngine development team, 2019. Check our Hall Of Fame