Welcome to the AutoIt extension for Visual Studio Code! This has been forked and developed from Damien122's release.
Features | Configuration | Keyboard Shortcuts | Contributing
AutoIt Syntax highlighting
IntelliSense (code hints and completion)
Launch, compile and build scripts from VSCode
Launch AutoIt Help for highlighted text
Symbol search, press Ctrl+Shift+O
to see where Functions and Variables have been declared in the current script
Diagnostics (Problems Tab) showing Warnings & Errors
By default, this extension is set up for the default installation of AutoIt and SciTe4AutoIt on a 64-bit system. For alternate setups, you can access the user settings by navigating to File-> Preferences-> Settings
or invoking the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P
) and searching for Preferences (example), and changing the following options:
Config | Description | Default |
autoit.aiPath |
Full path to the AutoIt executable, e.g. C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoIt3\\ or C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoIt3\\AutoIt3.exe |
"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\AutoIt3.exe" |
autoit.wrapperPath |
Full or relative path to the AutoIt3Wrapper script, e.g. C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoIt3\\SciTE\\AutoIt3Wrapper\\AutoIt3Wrapper.au3 . Leave blank to use default, relative to #autoit.aiPath# path. |
"" |
autoit.tidyPath |
Full or relative path to the AutoIt syntax Checker (Au3Check) executable, e.g. C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoIt3\\AU3Check.exe . Leave blank to use default, relative to #autoit.aiPath# path. |
"" |
autoit.checkPath |
Full or relative path to the AutoIt syntax Checker (Au3Check) executable, e.g. C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoIt3\\AU3Check.exe . Leave blank to use default, relative to #autoit.aiPath# path. |
"" |
autoit.helpPath |
Full or relative path to the AutoIt3Help executable, e.g. C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoIt3\\AutoIt3Help.exe . Leave blank to use default, relative to #autoit.aiPath# path. |
"" |
autoit.infoPath |
Full or relative path to the AutoIt Window Info executable, e.g. C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoIt3\\Au3Info.exe . Leave blank to use default, relative to #autoit.aiPath# path. |
"" |
autoit.kodaPath |
Full or relative path to the Koda FormDesigner executable, e.g. C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoIt3\\SciTE\\Koda\\FD.exe . Leave blank to use default, relative to #autoit.aiPath# path. |
"" |
autoit.showVariablesInGoToSymbol |
Determines whether to show or hide variables when using Ctrl+Shift+O (added in v0.1.9) | true |
autoit.showRegionsInGoToSymbol |
Determines whether to show or hide regions when using Ctrl+Shift+O (added in v1.0.9) | true |
autoit.includePaths |
File paths for additional include folders | [""] |
autoit.consoleParams |
A string of parameters passed to the console when the Run Script command is launched (added in v0.2.1) | "" |
autoit.enableDiagnostics |
Tells AutoIt-VSCode to provide diagnostics from Au3Check on document open, switch or save | true |
autoit.UDFCreator |
The name that will be added as Author when Insert Function Header is used | "Your Name" |
autoit.smartHelp |
Defines prefixes, paths & sources for additional help files | { "_yourUdfFuncPrefix_": { "chmPath": "", "udfPath": [""] } } |
autoit.multiOutput |
Enable separate output panel for each running script | true |
autoit.multiOutputMaxFinished |
How many output panels to keep after script finished | 2 |
autoit.multiOutputFinishedTimeout |
How long (in seconds) to wait until output panels of finished scripts discarded (0 = indefinitely) | 0 |
autoit.multiOutputReuseOutput |
Reuse output for the same file | false |
autoit.clearOutput |
Clear output panel before each run. (only applicable when autoit.multiOutput is disabled or autoit.multiOutputReuseOutput is enabled ) |
true |
autoit.terminateRunningOnClose |
Terminate running script when script file is closed | true |
autoit.multiOutputShowProcessId |
Show process ID in the Autoit (common) output | "Single" |
autoit.outputCodePage |
If you see incorrect text encoding in the output, set this option to match your system code page | "" |
autoit.outputShowTime |
Show time when each output line was received | "None" |
autoit.outputMaxHistoryLines |
Number of output lines to keep | 5000 |
autoit.enableParenTriggerForFunctions |
Adds the ability to use ( to select a function completion suggestion, which will add the function with open and closed parens, place the cursor between them and trigger signature help. Requires window reload to take full effect. |
true |
Run, Compile and Build Script functions require the full install of SciTE4AutoIt3 alongside AutoIt.
Check out the code, leave feedback and feature requests now on GitHub/loganch
Please fork the repository and contribute using pull requests.
Features | Configuration | Keyboard Shortcuts | Contributing