lolautruche / EzCoreExtraBundle

Extra features for eZ Platform (v1.x compatible with eZ Publish 5.4)
MIT License
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ez-platform ezpublish ibexa ibexa-bundle ibexadxp symfony-bundle theme


Adds extra features to Ibexa Platform.




EzCoreExtraBundle currently works eZ Platform v1, v2 and v3 (kernel v6, v7 and v8), and Ibexa Platform v4.

If you're using eZ publish 5.4/2014.11 or Netgen variant, look at 1.1 branch and/or v1.x releases.

If you're using eZ Platform v1 or v2, look at 2.x branch and/or v2.x releases.

If you're using eZ Platform v3, look at 3.x branch and/or v3.x releases.


This bundle is available on Packagist. You can install it using Composer.

composer require lolautruche/ez-core-extra-bundle

Then add it to your application:

EzCoreExtraBundle MUST be instanciated AFTER Ibexa bundles.


See Resources/doc/