lucidrains / anymal-belief-state-encoder-decoder-pytorch

Implementation of the Belief State Encoder / Decoder in the new breakthrough robotics paper from ETH Zürich
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artificial-intelligence deep-learning locomotion-control robotics

Belief State Encoder / Decoder (Anymal) - Pytorch

Implementation of the Belief State Encoder / Decoder in the new breakthrough robotics paper from ETH Zürich.

This paper is important as it seems their learned approach produced a policy that rivals Boston Dynamic's handcrafted algorithms (quadripedal Spot).

The results speak for itself in their video demonstration


$ pip install anymal-belief-state-encoder-decoder-pytorch



import torch
from anymal_belief_state_encoder_decoder_pytorch import Teacher

teacher = Teacher(
    num_actions = 10,
    num_legs = 4,
    extero_dim = 52,
    proprio_dim = 133,
    privileged_dim = 50

proprio = torch.randn(1, 133)
extero = torch.randn(1, 4, 52)
privileged = torch.randn(1, 50)

action_logits, values = teacher(proprio, extero, privileged, return_values = True) # (1, 10)


import torch
from anymal_belief_state_encoder_decoder_pytorch import Student

student = Student(
    num_actions = 10,
    num_legs = 4,
    extero_dim = 52,
    proprio_dim = 133,
    gru_num_layers = 2,
    gru_hidden_size = 50

proprio = torch.randn(1, 133)
extero = torch.randn(1, 4, 52)

action_logits, hiddens = student(proprio, extero) # (1, 10), (2, 1, 50)
action_logits, hiddens = student(proprio, extero, hiddens) # (1, 10), (2, 1, 50)
action_logits, hiddens = student(proprio, extero, hiddens) # (1, 10), (2, 1, 50)

# hiddens are in the shape (num gru layers, batch size, gru hidden dimension)
# train with truncated bptt

Full Anymal (which contains both Teacher and Student)

import torch
from anymal_belief_state_encoder_decoder_pytorch import Anymal

anymal = Anymal(
    num_actions = 10,
    num_legs = 4,
    extero_dim = 52,
    proprio_dim = 133,
    privileged_dim = 50,
    recon_loss_weight = 0.5

# mock data

proprio = torch.randn(1, 133)
extero = torch.randn(1, 4, 52)
privileged = torch.randn(1, 50)

# first train teacher

teacher_action_logits = anymal.forward_teacher(proprio, extero, privileged)

# teacher is trained with privileged information in simulation with domain randomization

# after teacher has satisfactory performance, init the student with the teacher weights, excluding the privilege information encoder from the teacher (which student does not have)


# then train the student on the proprioception and noised exteroception, forcing it to reconstruct the privileged information that the teacher had access to (as well as learning to denoise the exterception) - there is also a behavior loss between the policy logits of the teacher with those of the student

loss, hiddens = anymal(proprio, extero, privileged)

# finally, you can deploy the student to the real world, zero-shot

dist, hiddens = anymal.forward_student(proprio, extero, return_action_categorical_dist = True)
action = dist.sample()

PPO training of the Teacher (using a mock environment, this needs to be substituted with a environment wrapper around simulator)

import torch
from anymal_belief_state_encoder_decoder_pytorch import Anymal, PPO
from anymal_belief_state_encoder_decoder_pytorch.ppo import MockEnv

anymal = Anymal(
    num_actions = 10,
    num_legs = 4,
    extero_dim = 52,
    proprio_dim = 133,
    privileged_dim = 50,
    recon_loss_weight = 0.5

mock_env = MockEnv(
    proprio_dim = 133,
    extero_dim = 52,
    privileged_dim = 50

ppo = PPO(
    env = mock_env,
    anymal = anymal,
    epochs = 10,
    lr = 3e-4,
    eps_clip = 0.2,
    beta_s = 0.01,
    value_clip = 0.4,
    max_timesteps = 10000,
    update_timesteps = 5000,

# train for 10 episodes

for _ in range(10):

# save the weights of the teacher for student training, './')

To train the student

import torch
from anymal_belief_state_encoder_decoder_pytorch import Anymal
from anymal_belief_state_encoder_decoder_pytorch.trainer import StudentTrainer
from anymal_belief_state_encoder_decoder_pytorch.ppo import MockEnv

anymal = Anymal(
    num_actions = 10,
    num_legs = 4,
    extero_dim = 52,
    proprio_dim = 133,
    privileged_dim = 50,
    recon_loss_weight = 0.5

# first init student with teacher weights, at the very beginning
# if not resuming training

mock_env = MockEnv(
    proprio_dim = 133,
    extero_dim = 52,
    privileged_dim = 50

trainer = StudentTrainer(
    anymal = anymal,
    env = mock_env

# for 100 episodes

for _ in range(100):

... You've beaten Boston Dynamics and its team of highly paid control engineers!

But you probably haven't beaten a real quadripedal "anymal" just yet :)




  title     = {Learning robust perceptive locomotion for quadrupedal robots in the wild},
  url       = {},
  journal   = {Science Robotics},
  publisher = {American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)},
  author    = {Miki, Takahiro and Lee, Joonho and Hwangbo, Jemin and Wellhausen, Lorenz and Koltun, Vladlen and Hutter, Marco},
  year      = {2022},
  month     = {Jan}