luebbe / homie-node-collection

Collection of Node implementations for the Homie-ESP8266 library
MIT License
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esp8266 homie homie-convention measure-voltage mqtt platformio relay sensor-nodes

Homie Node Collection

Languages GitHub release Build status Codacy License PlatformIO Homie

Collection of nodes and examples for Homie. The nodes are designed as independent classes, so they can work standalone. For instance you can easily wire up a firmware for a Sonoff Relay by combining a ButtonNode with a RelayNode.

The software is based on Homie and is developed using PlatformIO It has recently been migrated to the Homie v3 Develop branch.


July 2023: newer expressif platform versions cause a linker "... relocation ..." error. This is why I recommend to explicitely use the 4.1.0 version. So you should add the following line to your platformio.ini.

platform = espressif8266@4.1.0 ; July 2023: newer expressif platform versions cause a linker error.
framework = arduino

Sensor Nodes

All sensor nodes have a common status subtopic wit the enum values: ok|error. status is ok when a sensor could be detected and a valid measurement could be taken, error otherwise. All sensor nodes publish their data type on the $datatype subtopic. All sensor nodes publish their unit on the $unit subtopic. Most sensor nodes publish their format/value range on the $format subtopic. So if a sensor nodes publishes a temperature, you will see the following subtopics:


Homie Node using the internal ESP ADC to measure voltage.

It has three settings:

Advertises the values as:


A node for Bosch BME280 I2C temperature/humidity/pressure sensors. Reports the three values back via MQTT.

It has one setting:

This offset is passed into the Adafruit BME280 library and used for depending calculations.

Advertises the values as:


A node for DHT22 temperature/humidity sensors. Reports the two values back via MQTT.

Advertises the values as:


A Homie Node for Dallas 18B20 one wire temperature sensors. Reports the temperature back via MQTT.

Advertises the value as:


An ultrasonic sensor that reports the distance to an object based on the echo time.

The following topics are advertised:

The reported distance is calculated from the ping time. This distance depends on the speed of sound and therefore on the temperature. The temperature can be adjusted with the setTemperature(float temperatureCelcius) method, e.g. in conjuction with a temperature sensor such as the DHT22Node:

void loopHandler() {

Actor Nodes


A pushbutton that just detects a single (debounced) button press. An optional callback can be triggered by the button press event. The button press is reported via these topics:

The minimum and maximum button press time in milliseconds can be set with:

void setMinButtonDownTime(unsigned short downTime);
void setMaxButtonDownTime(unsigned short downTime);

ToDo: detect multiple button presses and report them back.


A contact that reports its open state (true|false) via MQTT. An optional callback can be triggered by the state change event.

Advertises the state as:


In some way similar to the contact node only that it reacts on pulses on the selected input pin. It reports its state (true|false) via MQTT. An optional callback can be triggered by the state change event. Imagine an optocoupler pulsing with 50Hz when a switch is closed or a button is pressed.

Advertises the state as:

In order to use the PulseNode you need an interrupt procedure which is attached to the selected pin. e.G.:

void IRAM_ATTR onOptoCouplerPulse()

void setup()
  attachInterrupt(PIN_OPTOCOUPLER, onOptoCouplerPulse, FALLING);

It has two settings:


A relay that can be set on (true|false) via MQTT message. An optional GPIO pin (e.g. to light up a LED) can be passed in the constructor. This pin will be set high/low synchronous to the relay. Additonally the relay can be turned on for a number of seconds by sending this number to the timeout subtopic. The Relay supports reverse logic.

The relay has two different constructors:

Use the following constructor, if your relay is connected directly to the ESP.

RelayNode(const char *id,
          const char *name,
          const int8_t relayPin = DEFAULTPIN,
          const int8_t ledPin = DEFAULTPIN,
          const bool reverseSignal = false);

Use the following constructor, if your relay is not connected directly, e.g. via a port expander. Turning the relay on and off as well as getting the relay state is handled in the callbacks. Timeout and positive/negative logic are handled in the RelayNode.

RelayNode(const char *id,
          const char *name,
          const uint8_t callbackId,
          TGetRelayState OnGetRelayState,
          TSetRelayState OnSetRelayState,
          const bool reverseSignal = false);

It has one setting:

The relay can be controlled by posting to the follwing MQTT topics:

Advertises the state as: