lvxhnat / ion

A fully integrated platform for aggregating, visualising and analysing alternative data
GNU General Public License v3.0
12 stars 1 forks source link
d3 fastapi kafka prefect react typescript


Ion is a web application designed to leverage OSINT and APIs to create a centralised information hub for data driven trading/market intelligence. It is powered by powerful charting systems (d3 charting written in a plugin architecture to allow customisability) and comes with its own ETL Prefect pipeline that schedules data extraction for larger data sources.


Home Page Available Functions
ETF Explorer Chart Explorer
FRED Economics Watchlist


Quick Start

Start base services - postgres, kafka servers. In ion/docker

docker compose -f "./docker-compose.base.yml" up

Start ETL pipelines. In ion/data-engine

prefect orion start
prefect agent start -q "common" "treasury"
python -m deployment

Start backend. In ion/data-backend

brew services start rabbitmq
uvicorn --reload --port 1236

Start frontend. In ion/ion-frontend

yarn start


Data Sources

Status Prompt
Online #00bd11
Work in Progress (WIP) #ffae00
Bug #ff0000
Data Provider Data Repo Status Pages Using Retrieval
Open Weather API Weather ion-clients #00bd11 Home (Widget) On-Demand
US Department of Treasury Treasury Rates ion-clients #00bd11 Home (Widget) Scheduled
Oanda API Live and Historical Forex Data ion-clients #00bd11 Home (Widget) On-Demand
Geonames Geographical Names with Lat and Lon Data ion-clients #00bd11 Home (Weather Widget) Scheduled
ETFDB ETF Metadata and Database pyETFDB-scraper #00bd11 ETF List Scheduled + On-Demand
Finnhub API Daily Historical Ticker Prices ion-clients #00bd11 ETF List On-Demand
USDA ESR API Agricultural Exports & Release Schedule usda-api #ffae00 To be Decided Scheduled + On-Demand
USDA GATS API Agricultural Trade Data usda-api #ffae00 To be Decided Scheduled + On-Demand
USDA PSD API Agricultural S&D Forecasts Data usda-api #ffae00 To be Decided Scheduled + On-Demand
FRED API US Federal Reserve Economic Data fred-api #ffae00 To be Decided On-Demand
EIA API US Official Energy Statistics Data eia-api #ffae00 To be Decided On-Demand
News API Live Internet News Aggregated Data news-api #ffae00 To be Decided On-Demand


Academic Records\ Probability and Statistics for Finance - Svetlozar, Rachev, Markus Hoechstoetter\ Stochastic calculus for finance I: The binomial asset pricing model - Steven E. Shreve\ Stochastic calculus for finance II Continuous time models - Steven E. Shreve\

Financial Models for Numerical Methods

UI UX Design\ Bloomberg Charting


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
