mainsail-crew / crowsnest

Webcam Service for multiple Cams
GNU General Public License v3.0
302 stars 71 forks source link
camera mainsail mainsail-os raspberry-pi raspberry-pi-camera rtsp ustreamer

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# crowsnest A wrapper script for webcam streaming on Raspberry Pi OS Lite images like [MainsailOS]( Mainly written in bash. - [Why is it called crowsnest?](#why-is-it-called-crowsnest) - [Support](#support) - [Documentation](#documentation) - [Compatibility](#compatibility) - [Contribute](#contribute) - [How to support us?](#how-to-support-us) - [CustomPiOS-module](#custompios-module) - [What 'Backends' does crowsnest use](#what-backends-does-crowsnest-use) - [Credits](#credits) --- ## Why is it called crowsnest? **It inherited his name from sailing ships crow's nest.** > A crow's nest is a structure in the upper part of the main mast of a ship or a structure that is used as a lookout point. \ > See's_nest So, this will be the 'lookout point' for your printer. --- ## Support Please read carefully on [how to configure]( crowsnest to your needs! Check out the [FAQ]( section for first aid or join our [Discord]( server if you need further help. For some topics that are not covered in the documentation, just read below. _**PS: Do not open issues that are based on misconfiguration! This makes it harder for me to keep track of problems in my code.**_ --- ## Documentation We have decided to move crowsnest's documentation to a new location.\ Please go to []( If there is something in our documentation that is not covered, is described in a way that is misunderstood, or simply is missing, please let us know! --- ## Compatibility Tested on the following distributions: **Legend:** \ Tested and work as intended: :heavy_check_mark: \ Tested and/or did not work: :x: \ Should work but not tested: :question: \ Not available: :heavy_minus_sign: | Operating System | X86 Architecture | ARM Architecture | | :-------------------------------: | :----------------: | :-----------------------------------------: | | Raspberry Pi OS (buster) | :heavy_minus_sign: | :x: ([Hint](#hint-buster)) | | Raspberry Pi OS (bullseye) | :heavy_minus_sign: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Raspberry Pi OS (bookworm) | :heavy_minus_sign: | :heavy_check_mark: ([Hint](#hint-bookworm)) | | MainsailOS (<0.7.1) | :heavy_minus_sign: | :x: ([Hint](#hint-buster)) | | MainsailOS (>1.0.0) | :heavy_minus_sign: | :heavy_check_mark: (rpi) | | Armbian | :question: | :heavy_check_mark: | | DietPi | :question: | :heavy_check_mark: (rpi) | | Ubuntu Server 20.04 | :heavy_check_mark: | :question: | | Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: (rpi) | | Ubuntu Server 23.10 | :question: | :heavy_check_mark: (rpi) | | Linux Mint 21 (codename: vanessa) | :heavy_check_mark: | :question: | | Archlinux (and derivatives) | :x: | :x: | | Alpine Linux | :x: | :x: | _If you test that on other distributions, feel free to open a Pull Request to enhance documentation._ #### Hint Buster OS images that are based on Debian 10 (codename 'buster') are no longer supported with Crowsnest version 4 (current `master` branch)! Please use the `legacy/v3` branch for these OS types.\ See the []( of this branch for usage instructions. #### Hint Bookworm Raspberry Pi OS images that are based on Debian 12 (codename 'bookworm') currently use a different branch of [camera-streamer](! The Raspberry Pi 5 has only [ustreamer]( support! This is due to the missing JPEG and H264 Hardware encoders. --- ## Contribute 1. Create an Issue related to your topic. 2. Prepare an _tested_ Pull Request against the `develop` branch - Please use commits formatted according to [Conventional Commits]( - Make sure you do not ignore the code formatting as provided by the [_.editorconfig_](.editorconfig) of this repo 3. Be patient. Every PR has to go through some sort of "internal gates" before it reaches the master branch, unless an immediate response is crucial. --- ## How to support us Buy [KwadFan]( a coffee at []( or [support the mainsail project]( Please consider hitting the :star: button in the upper right hand corner to show some love for this project. --- ## CustomPIOS Module I have decided to provide a [CustomPiOS Module]( to make it easier to integrate with other distributions like MainsailOS or similar. \ Please see [](./custompios/ in the module folder for more information. --- ## What 'Backends' does crowsnest use? Please see the according [FAQ]( section in our documentation. --- ## Credits I want to give a huge shoutout to [_lixxbox_]( and [_alexz_]( from the [mainsail-crew]( \ Without these guys it simply were not possible to get that done. They both mentioned improvements and tested a heck out of there machines to get this all functioning well. \ Thank you, mates :) Proud to be a part of. Thanks to [Pedro Lamas](, for the ISSUE_TEMPLATES. Thanks to [ayufan]( for keep going on camera-streamer, even I stressed him to get rid of some bugs ;) ---

**So, with all that said, get your position seaman! Prepare to get wet feets on your journey.** ## Are you ready to sail?