mbodiai / embodied-agents

Seamlessly integrate state-of-the-art transformer models into robotics stacks
Apache License 2.0
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agents artificial-intelligence diffusion embodied embodied-agent embodied-agents generative-ai large-language-models llm mbodi mbodiai multimodal robotics transformer vision-language-model vlm
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πŸ’» **Simulation Example with [SimplerEnv](https://github.com/simpler-env/SimplerEnv):** [](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/18oiuw1yTxO5x-eT7Z8qNyWtjyYd8cECI?usp=sharing)
πŸ€– **Motor Agent using OpenVLA:** [](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1flnMrqyepGOO8J9rE6rehzaLdZPsw6lX?usp=sharing)
⏺️ **Record Dataset on a Robot**[](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/15UuFbMUJGEjqJ_7I_b5EvKvLCKnAc8bB?usp=sharing)
🫑 **Support, Discussion, and How-To's** **:**


Aug 28 2024, embodied-agents v1.2

June 30 2024, embodied-agents v1.0:

embodied agents

embodied agents is a toolkit for integrating large multi-modal models into existing robot stacks with just a few lines of code. It provides consistency, reliability, scalability and is configurable to any observation and action space.

Demo GIF


This repository is broken down into 3 main components: Agents, Data, and Hardware. Inspired by the efficiency of the central nervous system, each component is broken down into 3 meta-modalities: Language, Motion, and Sense. Each agent has an act method that can be overridden and satisfies:

For convenience, we also provide AutoAgent which dynamically initializes the right agent for the specified task. See API Reference below for more.

A call to act or async_act can perform local or remote inference synchronously or asynchronously. Remote execution can be performed with Gradio, httpx, or different LLM clients. Validation is performed with Pydantic.

Architecture Diagram

Jump to getting started to get up and running on real hardware or simulation. Be sure to join our Discord for πŸ₯‡-winning discussions :)

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There is a signifcant barrier to entry for running SOTA models in robotics It is currently unrealistic to run state-of-the-art AI models on edge devices for responsive, real-time applications. Furthermore, the complexity of integrating multiple models across different modalities is a significant barrier to entry for many researchers, hobbyists, and developers. This library aims to address these challenges by providing a simple, extensible, and efficient way to integrate large models into existing robot stacks.


Facillitate data-collection and sharing among roboticists. This requires reducing much of the complexities involved with setting up inference endpoints, converting between different model formats, and collecting and storing new datasets for future availibility. We aim to achieve this by: 1. Providing simple, Python-first abstrations that are modular, extensible and applicable to a wide range of tasks. 2. Providing endpoints, weights, and interactive Gradio playgrounds for easy access to state-of-the-art models. 3. Ensuring that this library is observation and action-space agnostic, allowing it to be used with any robot stack. Beyond just improved robustness and consistency, this architecture makes asynchronous and remote agent execution exceedingly simple. In particular we demonstrate how responsive natural language interactions can be achieved in under 30 lines of Python code.


Embodied Agents are not yet capable of learning from in-context experience:




Support Matrix



pip install mbodied

# With extra dependencies, i.e. torch, opencv-python, etc.
pip install mbodied[extras]

# For audio support
pip install mbodied[audio]

Or install from source:

pip install git+https://github.com/mbodiai/embodied-agents.git

Getting Started

Customize a Motion to fit a robot's action space.

from mbodied.types.motion.control import HandControl, FullJointControl
from mbodied.types.motion import AbsoluteMotionField, RelativeMotionField

class FineGrainedHandControl(HandControl):
    comment: str = Field(None, description="A comment to voice aloud.")
    index: FullJointControl = AbsoluteMotionField([0,0,0],bounds=[-3.14, 3.14], shape=(3,))
    thumb: FullJointControl = RelativeMotionField([0,0,0],bounds=[-3.14, 3.14], shape=(3,))

Run a robotics transformer model on a robot.

import os
from mbodied.agents import LanguageAgent
from mbodied.agents.motion import OpenVlaAgent
from mbodied.agents.sense.audio import AudioAgent
from mbodied.robots import SimRobot

cognition = LanguageAgent(
  context="You are an embodied planner that responds with a python list of strings and nothing else.",
audio = AudioAgent(use_pyaudio=False, api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")) # pyaudio is buggy on mac
motion = OpenVlaAgent(model_src="https://api.mbodi.ai/community-models/")

# Subclass and override do() and capture() methods.
robot = SimRobot()

instruction = audio.listen()
plan = cognition.act(instruction, robot.capture())

for step in plan.strip('[]').strip().split(','):
  print("\nMotor agent is executing step: ", step, "\n")
  for _ in range(10):
    hand_control = motion.act(step, robot.capture())

Example Scripts:


Real Robot Hardware: Open In Colab

Simulation with: SimplerEnv : Open In Colab

Run OpenVLA with embodied-agents in simulation: Open In Colab

Record dataset on a robot:

The Sample Class

The Sample class is a base model for serializing, recording, and manipulating arbitrary data. It is designed to be extendable, flexible, and strongly typed. By wrapping your observation or action objects in the Sample class, you'll be able to convert to and from the following with ease:

To learn more about all of the possibilities with embodied agents, check out the documentation

πŸ’‘ Did you know

API Reference

Creating a Sample

Creating a Sample requires just wrapping a python dictionary with the Sample class. Additionally, they can be made from kwargs, Gym Spaces, and Tensors to name a few.

from mbodied.types.sample import Sample
# Creating a Sample instance
sample = Sample(observation=[1,2,3], action=[4,5,6])

# Flattening the Sample instance
flat_list = sample.flatten()
print(flat_list) # Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

# Generating a simplified JSON schema
>>> schema = sample.schema()
{'type': 'object', 'properties': {'observation': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'integer'}}, 'action': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'integer'}}}}

# Unflattening a list into a Sample instance
Sample.unflatten(flat_list, schema)
>>> Sample(observation=[1, 2, 3], action=[4, 5, 6])

Serialization and Deserialization with Pydantic

The Sample class leverages Pydantic's powerful features for serialization and deserialization, allowing you to easily convert between Sample instances and JSON.

# Serialize the Sample instance to JSON
sample = Sample(observation=[1,2,3], action=[4,5,6])
json_data = sample.model_dump_json()
print(json_data) # Output: '{"observation": [1, 2, 3], "action": [4, 5, 6]}'

# Deserialize the JSON data back into a Sample instance
json_data = '{"observation": [1, 2, 3], "action": [4, 5, 6]}'
sample = Sample.model_validate(from_json(json_data))
print(sample) # Output: Sample(observation=[1, 2, 3], action=[4, 5, 6])

Converting to Different Containers

# Converting to a dictionary
sample_dict = sample.to("dict")
print(sample_dict) # Output: {'observation': [1, 2, 3], 'action': [4, 5, 6]}

# Converting to a NumPy array
sample_np = sample.to("np")
print(sample_np) # Output: array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

# Converting to a PyTorch tensor
sample_pt = sample.to("pt")
print(sample_pt) # Output: tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

Gym Space Integration

gym_space = sample.space()
# Output: Dict('action': Box(-inf, inf, (3,), float64), 'observation': Box(-inf, inf, (3,), float64))

See sample.py for more details.


The Message class represents a single completion sample space. It can be text, image, a list of text/images, Sample, or other modality. The Message class is designed to handle various types of content and supports different roles such as user, assistant, or system.

You can create a Message in versatile ways. They can all be understood by mbodi's backend.

from mbodied.types.message import Message

Message(role="user", content="example text")
Message(role="user", content=["example text", Image("example.jpg"), Image("example2.jpg")])
Message(role="user", content=[Sample("Hello")])


The Backend class is an abstract base class for Backend implementations. It provides the basic structure and methods required for interacting with different backend services, such as API calls for generating completions based on given messages. See backend directory on how various backends are implemented.


Agent is the base class for various agents listed below. It provides a template for creating agents that can talk to a remote backend/server and optionally record their actions and observations.

Language Agent

The Language Agent can connect to different backends or transformers of your choice. It includes methods for recording conversations, managing context, looking up messages, forgetting messages, storing context, and acting based on an instruction and an image.

Natively supports API services: OpenAI, Anthropic, vLLM, Ollama, HTTPX, or any gradio endpoints. More upcoming!

To use OpenAI for your robot backend:

from mbodied.agents.language import LanguageAgent

agent = LanguageAgent(context="You are a robot agent.", model_src="https://github.com/mbodiai/embodied-agents/raw/main/openai")

To execute an instruction:

instruction = "pick up the fork"
response = robot_agent.act(instruction, image)

Language Agent can connect to vLLM as well. For example, suppose you are running a vLLM server Mistral-7B on All you need to do is:

agent = LanguageAgent(
    model_kwargs={"api_key": "EMPTY", "base_url": ""},
response = agent.act("Hello, how are you?", model="mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3")

Example using Ollama:

agent = LanguageAgent(
    context="You are a robot agent.", model_src="https://github.com/mbodiai/embodied-agents/raw/main/ollama",
    model_kwargs={"endpoint": "http://localhost:11434/api/chat"}
response = agent.act("Hello, how are you?", model="llama3.1")

Motor Agent

Motor Agent is similar to Language Agent but instead of returning a string, it always returns a Motion. Motor Agent is generally powered by robotic transformer models, i.e. OpenVLA, RT1, Octo, etc. Some small model, like RT1, can run on edge devices. However, some, like OpenVLA, may be challenging to run without quantization. See OpenVLA Agent and an example OpenVLA server

Sensory Agent

These agents interact with the environment to collect sensor data. They always return a SensorReading, which can be various forms of processed sensory input such as images, depth data, or audio signals.

Currently, we have:

agents that process robot's sensor information.

Auto Agent

Auto Agent dynamically selects and initializes the correct agent based on the task and model.

from mbodied.agents.auto.auto_agent import AutoAgent

# This makes it a LanguageAgent
agent = AutoAgent(task="language", model_src="https://github.com/mbodiai/embodied-agents/raw/main/openai")
response = agent.act("What is the capital of France?")

# This makes it a motor agent: OpenVlaAgent
auto_agent = AutoAgent(task="motion-openvla", model_src="https://api.mbodi.ai/community-models/")
action = auto_agent.act("move hand forward", Image(size=(224, 224)))

# This makes it a sensory agent: DepthEstimationAgent
auto_agent = AutoAgent(task="sense-depth-estimation", model_src="https://api.mbodi.ai/sense/")
depth = auto_agent.act(image=Image(size=(224, 224)))

Alternatively, you can use get_agent method in auto_agent as well.

language_agent = get_agent(task="language", model_src="https://github.com/mbodiai/embodied-agents/raw/main/openai")


The motion_controls module defines various motions to control a robot as Pydantic models. They are also subclassed from Sample, thus possessing all the capability of Sample as mentioned above. These controls cover a range of actions, from simple joint movements to complex poses and full robot control.


You can integrate your custom robot hardware by subclassing Robot quite easily. You only need to implement do() function to perform actions (and some additional methods if you want to record dataset on the robot). In our examples, we use a mock robot. We also have an XArm robot as an example.

Recording a Dataset

Recording a dataset on a robot is very easy! All you need to do is implement the get_observation(), get_state(), and prepare_action() methods for your robot. After that, you can record a dataset on your robot anytime you want. See examples/5_teach_robot_record_dataset.py and this colab: for more details.

from mbodied.robots import SimRobot
from mbodied.types.motion.control import HandControl, Pose

robot = SimRobot()
with robot.record("pick up the fork"):
  motion = HandControl(pose=Pose(x=0.1, y=0.2, z=0.3, roll=0.1, pitch=0.2, yaw=0.3))


Dataset Recorder is a lower level recorder to record your conversation and the robot's actions to a dataset as you interact with/teach the robot. You can define any observation space and action space for the Recorder. See gymnasium for more details about spaces.

from mbodied.data.recording import Recorder
from mbodied.types.motion.control import HandControl
from mbodied.types.sense.vision import Image
from gymnasium import spaces

observation_space = spaces.Dict({
    'image': Image(size=(224, 224)).space(),
    'instruction': spaces.Text(1000)
action_space = HandControl().space()
recorder = Recorder('example_recorder', out_dir='saved_datasets', observation_space=observation_space, action_space=action_space)

# Every time robot makes a conversation or performs an action:
recorder.record(observation={'image': image, 'instruction': instruction,}, action=hand_control)

The dataset is saved to ./saved_datasets.


The Replayer class is designed to process and manage data stored in HDF5 files generated by Recorder. It provides a variety of functionalities, including reading samples, generating statistics, extracting unique items, and converting datasets for use with HuggingFace. The Replayer also supports saving specific images during processing and offers a command-line interface for various operations.

Example for iterating through a dataset from Recorder with Replayer:

from mbodied.data.replaying import Replayer

replayer = Replayer(path=str("path/to/dataset.h5"))
for observation, action in replayer:

Directory Structure

β”œβ”€ assets/ ............. Images, icons, and other static assets
β”œβ”€ examples/ ........... Example scripts and usage demonstrations
β”œβ”€ resources/ .......... Additional resources for examples
β”œβ”€ src/
β”‚  └─ mbodied/
β”‚     β”œβ”€ agents/ ....... Modules for robot agents
β”‚     β”‚  β”œβ”€ backends/ .. Backend implementations for different services for agents
β”‚     β”‚  β”œβ”€ language/ .. Language based agents modules
β”‚     β”‚  β”œβ”€ motion/ .... Motion based agents modules
β”‚     β”‚  └─ sense/ ..... Sensory, e.g. audio, processing modules
β”‚     β”œβ”€ data/ ......... Data handling and processing
β”‚     β”œβ”€ hardware/ ..... Hardware modules, i.e. camera
β”‚     β”œβ”€ robot/ ........ Robot interface and interaction
β”‚     └─ types/ ........ Common types and definitions
└─ tests/ .............. Unit tests


We welcome issues, questions and PRs. See the contributing guide for more information.