mcrescas / veriv

VERIV: This extension provides support for loading and visualizing LDR / HDR images directly inside Vscode. Apart from that, the viewer contains more useful features than the native one included by default
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hdr hdr-image ldr viewer vscode

VERIV - Vscode Extended Range Imaging Viewer!

This extension provides support for loading and visualizing LDR / HDR (animated) images directly inside Vscode. Apart from that, the viewer contains more useful features than the native one included by default:

⚠ If you hit any problems or want to request a feature, please create an issue on the repo.


Currently supported formats

How to use it

Open a file from one of the supported formats and the viewer will open automatically in a new tab. Note that if the file was modified after opening the viewer, it is possible to update the image using the reload button or the specific keybinding. While the window is not closed, the next open images will reuse the window, allowing you to compare them.

If you want to see all the possible keybinding, feel free to press h or ? to open the list.


Miguel Crespo

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