mean00 / swindle

A custom version of the blackMagic probe with rust in it
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arm debug freertos lnarduino rust swd

SWINDLE - ARM/Riscv Debug Module

Swindle is a hardware debugger connecting over Arm-SWD or WCH RvSWD. It can debug a lot of ARM chip and the CH32V3xx chips from WCH.

Internally, it is a derivative of the incredible black magic probe with some modifications.

Swindle runs on GD32F303CCT6 , CH32V303RCT6 and RP2040 (> 1MB flash) Other models will work, you must have enough flash & ram (256 kB flash / 48 or 64 kb RAM)

Perfect to have a cheap debugger based on a RP2040 (normal or zero)

Demo : A tiny rp2040-zero debugging a big-issh CH32V307 eval board :


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