mebitek / performer

PER|FORMER Eurorack Sequencer
MIT License
52 stars 5 forks source link
eurorack eurorack-diy sequencer

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This is a fork of the original repository, with some improvements that I personally find essential.

Full updated documentation

To find out more about improvements changes, check changelog

--- original documentation below ---



This repository contains the firmware for the PER|FORMER eurorack sequencer.

For more information on the project go here.

The hardware design files are hosted in a separate repository here.


If you want to do development on the firmware, the following is a quick guide on how to setup the development environment to get you going.

Setup on macOS and Linux

First you have to clone this repository (make sure to add the --recursive option to also clone all the submodules):

git clone --recursive

After cloning, enter the performer directory:

cd performer

Make sure you have a recent version of CMake installed. If you are on Linux, you might also want to install a few other packages. For Debian based systems, use:

sudo apt-get install libtool autoconf cmake libusb-1.0.0-dev libftdi-dev pkg-config

To compile for the hardware and allow flashing firmware you have to install the ARM toolchain and build OpenOCD:

make tools_install

Next, you have to setup the build directories:

make setup_stm32

If you also want to compile/run the simulator use:

make setup_sim

The simulator is great when developing new features. It allows for a faster development cycle and a better debugging experience.

Setup on Windows

Currently, there is no native support for compiling the firmware on Windows. As a workaround, there is a Vagrantfile to allow setting up a Vagrant virtual machine running Linux for compiling the application.

First you have to clone this repository (make sure to add the --recursive option to also clone all the submodules):

git clone --recursive

Next, go to and download the latest Vagrant release. Once installed, use the following to setup the Vagrant machine:

cd performer
vagrant up

This will take a while. When finished, you have a virtual machine ready to go. To open a shell, use the following:

vagrant ssh

When logged in, you can follow the development instructions below, everything is now just the same as with a native development environment on macOS or Linux. The only difference is that while you have access to all the source code on your local machine, you use the virtual machine for compiling the source.

To stop the virtual machine, log out of the shell and use:

vagrant halt

You can also remove the virtual machine using:

vagrant destroy

Build directories

After successfully setting up the development environment you should now have a list of build directories found under build/[stm32|sim]/[release|debug]. The release targets are used for compiling releases (more code optimization, smaller binaries) whereas the debug targets are used for compiling debug releases (less code optimization, larger binaries, better debugging support).

Developing for the hardware

You will typically use the release target when building for the hardware. So you first have to enter the release build directory:

cd build/stm32/release

To compile everything, simply use:

make -j

Using the -j option is generally a good idea as it enables parallel building for faster build times.

To compile individual applications, use the following make targets:

Building a target generates a list of files. For example, after building the sequencer application you should find the following files in the src/apps/sequencer directory relative to the build directory:

If compiling the sequencer, an additional UPDATE.DAT file is generated which can be used for flashing the firmware using the bootloader.

To simplify flashing an application to the hardware during development, each application has an associated flash target. For example, to flash the bootloader followed by the sequencer application use:

make -j flash_bootloader
make -j flash_sequencer

Flashing to the hardware is done using OpenOCD. By default, this expects an Olimex ARM-USB-OCD-H JTAG to be attached to the USB port. You can easily reconfigure this to use a different JTAG by editing the OPENOCD_INTERFACE variable in the src/platform/stm32/CMakeLists.txt file. Make sure to change both occurrences. A list of available interfaces can be found in the tools/openocd/share/openocd/scripts/interface directory (or /home/vagrant/tools/openocd/share/openocd/scripts/interface when running the virtual machine).

Developing for the simulator

Note that the simulator is only supported on macOS and Linux and does not currently run in the virtual machine required on Windows.

You will typically use the debug target when building for the simulator. So you first have to enter the debug build directory:

cd build/sim/debug

To compile everything, simply use:

make -j

To run the simulator, use the following:


Note that you have to start the simulator from the build directory in order for it to find all the assets.

Source code directory structure

The following is a quick overview of the source code directory structure:

The two platforms both have a common subdirectories:

The main sequencer application has the following structure:

Third Party Libraries

The following third party libraries are used in this project.


License: MIT

This work is licensed under a MIT License.