mekhiya / Ethablish

Gasless Email Verification & VRF Licenses generation
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alchemy biconomy chainlink create-react-app hardhat mumbai polygon solidity-dapps

Ethablish - establish that Email belongs to you

Project submit for Chainlink Hackathon 2022

Project - ETHablish

This was a solo project. Fullstack Hardhat Dapp using Chainlink VRF for license key generation. Biconomy for Gasless transaction. Integrating different systems was challenging, but leaned a lot.

What it does

Ethablish Dapp allows one to link Email & Wallet address in a secured manner. On-Chain Email profile is created which proves that email belongs to wallet address owner.

As an example - Employee & New Joinee : Employer - pays Gas & sends license key to email address of a new joinee. New Joinee - uses Gasless transaction to link wallet address & email address.

Verification - Once On-Chain Email profile is created, anyone can verify it.

Send crypto using Email instead of Wallet address Ethablish allows a user to use their email address instead of alphanumeric wallet address. Email address can then be used instead of a wallet address to send funds via Ethablish.

Polygon - Mumbai Contract is deployed on Mumbai (Polygon testnet). Polygon network due to its very low fees and instant finality helps.

Polygon - Mumbai

Chainlink VRF V2 subscription was setup and smart contract was added consumer. Random key is generated by vrf contract. This is used as license key.

Chainlink VRF V2

Biconomy Meta transaction EIP 2771 protocol was used to create Trusted Relayer. This allows to have gasless transaction. We can also fund Gas tank programmatically.


Alchemy RPC was used to connect to blockchain. This

Front End


Contract on Mumbai Polygon

Frontend Demo


ETHablish Demo Video on Youtube

What I learned

Mumbai Polygon polygon team had extremely to the point documentation on EIP 2771 (Gasless transaction). This helped in designing software. I wanted to use Polygon & kovan, but with limited time Polygon turned out to be best option. It worked every time.

Hardhat hardhat stack is one of the best stack option for creating web3 Dapp. I created several side projects along with Ethablish. Each side project was created to break complex project in to parts. In past I have used Brownie, but honestly Hardhat is best stack option.

Hardhat Stack

Chainlink VRF V2 - In past I had used VRF 1. Chainlink VRF 2 is amazing. Easy to subscribe. Add consumer. From start of this project till complete, always worked for me. We used VRF contract to generate Random License Key.


Biconomy Meta - I started project with learning of OpenGSN. With lot of research figured out that EIP 2771 with Trusted Relayer option was way to go. Biconomy has good documentation and support. Took me while to understand and make it work. But once concepts were clear, it was very smooth * quick to integrate.

EIP - 2771 - Gasless Meta Transaction

fleek decentralised way of website hosting in a trustless manner. Internally it used filecoin & ipfs for hosting files.

EmailJs - Sending instant Emails to user with license key. First time Integrated web2 service (EMailjs) & web3 service (blockchain, Chainlink, Biconomy)

Create React App + Ether.js is best option for creating front end rapidly. There is lot of reference documentation and help articles.

What's next for Ethablish