mike01 / pypacker

:package: The fastest and simplest packet manipulation lib for Python
GNU General Public License v2.0
253 stars 46 forks source link
arp bgp can ethernet ieee80211 intercept-packets ip network nfqueue packet-creation packets parsing pcap protocol python security socket tcp testing udp

Please note: This respository has become staled due to relocation to GitLab. Visit https://gitlab.com/mike01/pypacker for up-to-date versions.

Build Status Code Health version supported-versions supported-implementations License: GPL v2

General information

This is Pypacker: The fastest and simplest packet manipulation lib for Python. It lets you create packets manually by defining every aspect of all header data, dissect packets by parsing raw packet bytes, sending/receiving packets on different layers and intercepting packets.

What you can do with Pypacker

Create Packets giving specific values or take the defaults:

from pypacker.layer3.ip import IP
from pypacker.layer3.icmp import ICMP

ip = IP(src_s="", dst_s="", p=1) +\
    ICMP(type=8) +\
    ICMP.Echo(id=123, seq=1, body_bytes=b"foobar")

# output packet
print("%s" % ip)
IP(v_hl=45, tos=0, len=2A, id=0, off=0, ttl=40, p=1, sum=3B29, src=b'\x7f\x00\x00\x01', dst=b'\xc0\xa8\x00\x01', opts=[], handler=icmp)
ICMP(type=8, code=0, sum=C03F, handler=echo)
Echo(id=7B, seq=1, ts=0, bytes=b'foobar')

Read packets from file (pcap/tcpdump format), analyze it and write them back:

from pypacker import ppcap
from pypacker.layer12 import ethernet
from pypacker.layer3 import ip
from pypacker.layer4 import tcp

preader = ppcap.Reader(filename="packets_ether.pcap")
pwriter = ppcap.Writer(filename="packets_ether_new.pcap", linktype=ppcap.DLT_EN10MB)

for ts, buf in preader:
    eth = ethernet.Ethernet(buf)

    if eth[ethernet.Ethernet, ip.IP, tcp.TCP] is not None:
        print("%d: %s:%s -> %s:%s" % (ts, eth[ip.IP].src_s, eth[tcp.TCP].sport,
            eth[ip.IP].dst_s, eth[tcp.TCP].dport))


Intercept (and modificate) Packets eg for MITM:

# Add iptables rule:
# iptables -I INPUT 1 -p icmp -j NFQUEUE --queue-balance 0:2
import time

from pypacker import interceptor
from pypacker.layer3 import ip, icmp

# ICMP Echo request intercepting
def verdict_cb(ll_data, ll_proto_id, data, ctx):
    ip1 = ip.IP(data)
    icmp1 = ip1[icmp.ICMP]

    if icmp1 is None or icmp1.type != icmp.ICMP_TYPE_ECHO_REQ:
        return data, interceptor.NF_ACCEPT

    echo1 = icmp1[icmp.ICMP.Echo]

    if echo1 is None:
        return data, interceptor.NF_ACCEPT

    pp_bts = b"PYPACKER"
    print("changing ICMP echo request packet")
    echo1.body_bytes = echo1.body_bytes[:-len(pp_bts)] + pp_bts
    return ip1.bin(), interceptor.NF_ACCEPT

ictor = interceptor.Interceptor()
ictor.start(verdict_cb, queue_ids=[0, 1, 2])
print("now sind a ICMP echo request to localhost: ping")

Send and receive packets:

# send/receive raw bytes
from pypacker import psocket
from pypacker.layer12 import ethernet
from pypacker.layer3 import ip

psock = psocket.SocketHndl(mode=psocket.SocketHndl.MODE_LAYER_2, timeout=10)

for raw_bytes in psock:
    eth = ethernet.Ethernet(raw_bytes)
    print("Got packet: %r" % eth)
    # stop on first packet

# send/receive using filter
from pypacker import psocket
from pypacker.layer3 import ip
from pypacker.layer4 import tcp

packet_ip = ip.IP(src_s="", dst_s="") + tcp.TCP(dport=80)
psock = psocket.SocketHndl(mode=psocket.SocketHndl.MODE_LAYER_3, timeout=10)

def filter_pkt(pkt):
    return pkt.ip.tcp.sport == 80

psock.send(packet_ip.bin(), dst=packet_ip.dst_s)
pkts = psock.recvp(filter_match_recv=filter_pkt)

for pkt in pkts:
    print("got answer: %r" % pkt)

# Send/receive based on source/destination data
from pypacker import psocket
from pypacker.layer3 import ip
from pypacker.layer4 import tcp

packet_ip = ip.IP(src_s="", dst_s="") + tcp.TCP(dport=80)
psock = psocket.SocketHndl(mode=psocket.SocketHndl.MODE_LAYER_3, timeout=10)
packets = psock.sr(packet_ip, max_packets_recv=1)

for p in packets:
    print("got layer 3 packet: %s" % p)

Key features



Some examples:

Usage examples

See examples/ and tests/test_pypacker.py.


Tests are executed as follows:

1) Add Pypacker directory to the PYTHONPATH.

2) execute tests

Performance test results: pypacker

orC = Intel Core2 Duo CPU @ 1,866 GHz, 2GB RAM, CPython v3.6
orP = Intel Core2 Duo CPU @ 1,866 GHz, 2GB RAM, Pypy 5.10.1
rounds per test: 10000
>>> parsing (IP + ICMP)
orC = 86064 p/s
orP = 208346 p/s
>>> creating/direct assigning (IP only header)
orC = 41623 p/s
orP = 59370 p/s
>>> bin() without change (IP)
orC = 170356 p/s
orP = 292133 p/s
>>> output with change/checksum recalculation (IP)
orC = 10104 p/s
orP = 23851 p/s
>>> basic/first layer parsing (Ethernet + IP + TCP + HTTP)
orC = 62748 p/s
orP = 241047 p/s
>>> changing Triggerlist element value (Ethernet + IP + TCP + HTTP)
orC = 101552 p/s
orP = 201994 p/s
>>> changing Triggerlist/text based proto (Ethernet + IP + TCP + HTTP)
orC = 37249 p/s
orP = 272972 p/s
>>> direct assigning and concatination (Ethernet + IP + TCP + HTTP)
orC = 7428 p/s
orP = 14315 p/s
>>> full packet parsing (Ethernet + IP + TCP + HTTP)
orC = 6886 p/s
orP = 17040 p/s

Performance test results: pypacker vs. dpkt vs. scapy

Comparing pypacker, dpkt and scapy performance (parsing Ethernet + IP + TCP + HTTP)
orC = Intel Core2 Duo CPU @ 1,866 GHz, 2GB RAM, CPython v3.6
orC2 = Intel Core2 Duo CPU @ 1,866 GHz, 2GB RAM, CPython v2.7
rounds per test: 10000
>>> testing pypacker parsing speed
orC = 17938 p/s
>>> testing dpkt parsing speed
orC = 12431 p/s
>>> testing scapy parsing speed
orC2 = 726 p/s


Q: Where should I start learn to use Pypacker?

A: If you allready know Scapy starting by reading the examples should be OK. Otherwise there is a general introduction to pypacker included at the doc's which shows the usage and concepts of pypacker.

Q: How fast is pypacker?

A: See results above. For detailed results on your machine execute tests.

Q: Is there any documentation?

A: Pypacker is based on code of dpkt, which in turn didn't have any official and very little internal code documentation. This made understanding of the internal behaviour tricky. After all the code documentation was pretty much extended for Pypacker. Documentation can be found in these directories and files:

Protocols itself (see layerXYZ) generally don't have much documentation because those are documented by their respective RFCs/official standards.

Q: Which protocols are supported?

A: Currently minimum supported protocols are: Ethernet, Radiotap, IEEE80211, ARP, DNS, STP, PPP, OSPF, VRRP, DTP, IP, ICMP, PIM, IGMP, IPX, TCP, UDP, SCTP, HTTP, NTP, RTP, DHCP, RIP, SIP, Telnet, HSRP, Diameter, SSL, TPKT, Pmap, Radius, BGP

Q: How are protocols added?

A: Short answer: Extend Packet class and add the class variable __hdr__ to define header fields. Long answer: See examples/examples_new_protocol.py for a very complete example.

Q: How can I contribute to this project?

A: Please use the Github bug-tracker for bugs/feature request. Please read the bugtracker for already known bugs before filing a new one. Patches can be send via pull request.

Q: Under which license Pypacker is issued?

A: It's the GPLv2 License (see LICENSE file for more information).

Q: Are there any plans to support [protocol xyz]?

A: Support for particular protocols is added to Pypacker as a result of people contributing that support - no formal plans for adding support for particular protocols in particular future releases exist.

Q: There is problem xyz with Pypacker using Windows 3.11/XP/7/8/mobile etc. Can you fix that?

A: The basic features should work with any OS. Optional ones may make trouble (eg interceptor) and there will be no support for that. Why? Because quality matters and I won't give support for inferior systems. Think twice before chosing an operating system and deal with the consequences; don't blame others for your decision. Alternatively: give me monetary compensation and I'll see what I can do (;

Usage hints

Performance related

Misc related