This app can play the playlists in m3u/m3u8 formats when able to parse.
Over 8000 channels are available (not mine, please star the project)
# Call once to configure bundler
bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'
bundle install
# Call every time when want to install dependencies
bundle exec pod install
Open Apple-TV-Player.xcworkspace
using Xcode/AppCode
Set your Development Team and BundleID for files:
or just change them via Xcode Signing & Capabilities
tab for Apple-TV-Player
and Channels
It is often the error found Xcode will continue when Apple TV is connected and unlocked
. That is freaking issue, it is better to not spend time to fix this, but just use another way to install the app to Apple TV by building IPA manually and installing it on TV directly.
# Call once to configure bundler
bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'
bundle install
# Call every time when want to create IPA file
bundle exec fastlane make_ipa
directoryAdd installed app
plus button****.app/
directoryLong tap on TV Remote or press Play/Pause TV Remote button.
Select a playlist and Long tap on TV Remote or press Play/Pause TV Remote button.
// Open file `IpTvProvider.swift`.
// Add there ottclub provider with your API_KEY.
// That is change function:
public static func builtInProviders() -> [IpTvProviderKind] {
return []
// to this:
public static func builtInProviders() -> [IpTvProviderKind] {
return [.ottclub(key: "API_KEY")]