Volume rendering of 3D volumetric datasets, implemented in Godot.
This is (the beginning of) a Godot-port of the volume rendering plugin for Unity that I have been developing for some time. I am hoping to find time to port over all features the Unity plugin has.
Please let me know if you are interested in using this, since it's nice for me to know whether or not there's a need for this project - and I'm happy to adjust my priorities based on requests. I've seen a lot of people using my Unity plugin, but with Godot becoming more stable, feature-rich and well-documented, I think Godot can become a better alternative for many of my users,
Please let me know if there are any of these features you'd like me to prioritise.
Add a VolumeContainerNode to your scene, select it and click "Import dataset" in its inspector.
From there you can select a raw dataset to import, and specify how it should be imported.
Support for more dataset formats are coming soon!