mqtt-home / miele-to-mqtt-gw

Apache License 2.0
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mieleathome mqtt openhab



Convert the miele@home data to MQTT messages

This application will post two MQTT messages for each connected device: one short message and a full message.


Production (2.x)

The current production version is 2.x and is implemented in Java. See

Prerelease (3.x)

The prerelease is version 3.x and implemented in TypeScript.

Example short message

The short message is already parsed/interpreted and contains only the most relevant information.

  "phase": "DRYING",
  "remainingDurationMinutes": 4,
  "timeCompleted": "12:35",
  "remainingDuration": "0:04",
  "phaseId": 1799,
  "state": "RUNNING"

Example full message

The full message is exactly the message provided by Miele without any changes. See fullmessage-example

Example configuration

With username/password

  "mqtt": {
    "url": "tcp://",
    "client-id": "miele-mqtt-gw",
    "username": "username",
    "password": "password",
    "retain": true,

    "topic": "home/miele",
    "deduplicate": true

  "miele": {
    "client-id": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",
    "client-secret": "12345678901234567890123456789012",
    "polling-interval": 30,
    "username": "",
    "password": "miele_at_home_password",
    "country-code": "de-DE",
    "mode": "sse"

With access token

  "mqtt": {
    "url": "tcp://",
    "client-id": "miele-mqtt-gw",
    "username": "username",
    "password": "password",
    "retain": true,

    "topic": "home/miele",
    "deduplicate": true

  "miele": {
    "client-id": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",
    "client-secret": "12345678901234567890123456789012",
    "mode": "sse",
    "token": {
      "access": "access_token",
      "refresh": "refresh_token"

Country code

Two-letter language/country code. Examples:

Make sure you have write access to the configuration file, so that the token can be persisted.

Use server-sent events

Miele provides a server-sent-events API. To enable this, set the mode property in your configuration to SSE. With SSE enabled, you will get faster notifications when some device state changes. This is an experimental setting and not enabled by default.

Deduplicate messages

When deduplicate is set to true, no duplicate MQTT messages will be sent.

Bridge status

The bridge maintains two status topics:

Topic: .../bridge/state

Value Description
online The bridge is started
offline The bridge is currently not started.

Topic: .../bridge/miele

Value Description
unknown Unknown connection status
connected Miele API is connected
disconnected Miele API is not connected


Obtain your API credentials from

copy the config-example.json to /production/config/config.json

cd ./production
docker-compose up -d


Set te timezone in the docker-compose file to your local timezone.


  TZ: "Europe/Berlin"

Set the log-level in the configuration file:

  "loglevel": "info"

Valid log levels are: fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace

Not all levels are currently used.


GitHub access token

Make sure you have a GitHub access token in your ~/.m2/settings.xml

    <username>your username</username>
    <password>your access token</password>


Test cases against real Miele API

To execute test cases against the real Miele API, you need to set some environment variables.

Name Value
MIELE_CLIENT_ID your client id
MIELE_CLIENT_SECRET your client secret
MIELE_USERNAME your Miele username
MIELE_PASSWORD your Miele password

This is necessary to verify the login method is still working, and the API has not been changed incompatible.

Build container

Build the docker container using

openHAB configuration

see openHAB example