mtbaqer / vscode-better-folding

VS Code extension to improve your folding experience
MIT License
315 stars 7 forks source link
extension vscode vscode-extension


Better Folding - VSCode Extension

Better Folding

Better Folding provides many commonly requested folding-related features all together in one extension.

Better Folding Extension Preview


This is the first release of the extension, so it is not fully battle tested yet. If you encounter any issue or would like to contribute, please visit the GitHub page.


Folding Closing Brackets

Better Folding Extension Folding Closing Brackets Feature Preview

Showing Folded Lines Count

Better Folding Extension Showing Folded Lines Count Feature Preview

Showing Folded Brackets

Better Folding Extension Showing Folded Brackets Feature Preview

Showing Only The Region Description

Better Folding Extension Showing Only The Region Description Feature Preview

Show only function parameters names in folded function parentheses

Better Folding Extension Function Params Folding Preview

Folding closing tags (currently JSX and TSX, HTML next)

Better Folding Extension Folding Closing Tags Preview

Show objects preview

Better Folding Extension Folding Showing Object Previews Preview

Zen Folding

Better Folding Extension Zen Folding Preview

Planned Features

Show function content for short functions

Based on microsoft/vscode#76396

Supported Languages:

Most brackets-based languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, C, C#, C++, Java, Kotlin, PHP, Go (Golang), Dart, Rust, Swift, CSS, LESS, SCSS and more...

XML-based languages: JSX and TSX.

Work in progress: HTML.

Known Issues


See the project's changelog here.

Big thanks to these source codes

Bracket-Pair-Colorizer-2 (by CoenraadS)

vscode-blockman (by leodevbro)

vscode-inline-fold (by moalamri)

vscode-explicit-folding (by zokugun)