Chat room to easily roll dice in World of Darkness games, focused on usability.
The point is to reduce the clicks to the minimum just clicking on the button representing the number of dice.
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clone or download the code
cd wod
npm install
edit config/default.json to set your sitename and language, and anything else.
npm start
It is a Node.js application. It uses the feathers framework and for the chat features, and Vue in the frontend.
I am a backend developer. I just learned feathers, and Vue to do this.
The CSS is horrible and the client is not better, probably needs to be almost completely rewritten.
I need thus the help mainly from frontend developers and designers (or anyone skilled in CSS).
None (I don't get anything too).
Love for humanity, as this is free software and even AGPL, so it will available for any human beings.
Love for role-playing, this will enhance gaming experience on certain games.
Love for yourself, your name in AUTHORS, and this README.
Love for your players, the application can be deployed in your own website as long as you respect AGPL.
Love for your site. If you have a site we can include advertisment for it. Not developed yet and for the moment only for role-playing related sites and non profit.
Love for coding.
The application is designed for World of Darkness games. Currently it only allows rolling D10. But the design is useful for games using dice pools or other kind of simple homogeneous rolls.
Many games are like this, here a few that come to my mind:
Shadowrun (pools of D6).
MERP (1 button for 1D100).
CODA (D6 again).
The One Ring (pools of D6 plus the Gandalf die).
Gunshoe (D6).
Warhammer 40K (D100 and pools of D10).
FUDGE and FATE (fudge dies).
But for this I will need your help (or maybe long time), to implement rooms configurations and several dice systems.
I haven't decide a system yet. For now, let me a comment in this issue #74 or find another way.
If you look at old issues or commit history you can find Spannish content and strange things.
This software was started as part of a course by @jj . As exercise I had to add some things that I don't need anymore and I am trying to remove.
Yes, the version is too high, also because I had to increase it in every exercise of said course. Version 13 is like 1.