mviereck / runx

Provide X server on MS Windows with cookie authentication.
MIT License
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cookie cygwin gui linux-gui-applications ms-windows msys2 vcxsrv windows wsl wsl2 x x11docker xauthority xserver xwin

runx - Run Linux GUI applications on MS Windows

runx allows to easily run Linux GUI applications and desktops on MS Windows in Cygwin, MSYS2 or WSL.


For similar functionality on native Linux systems use x11docker with options --backend=host or --xonly.

Table of contents

Linux environments on MS Windows

runx can run in:


Installation in general:

Installation of X server

runx needs an X server. Install on MS Windows one or both of:

runx will automatically use XWin if available. You can specify the desired X server with options --xwin or --vcxsrv.

Installation in WSL

Installation in Cygwin

Installation in MSYS2

GPU hardware acceleration

runx supports GPU hardware accelerated graphics with option --gpu.

Usage examples

Providing X server in background

You can make an entry in the file ~/.bashrc to have an X server always available. Possible entry in ~/.bashrc:

source /usr/local/bin/runx

In future runs of the terminal you can directly run Linux GUI applications, e.g.:


Use an already running X server

Output of runx --help

runx - Run Linux GUI applications on MS Windows.
Provides an X server on MS Windows in Cygwin, MSYS2 or WSL.

  runx [OPTIONS]  --  [COMMAND]

  -h, --help                   Show this help.
  -d, --desktop                Open a parent window for desktop environments.
  -g, --gpu                    Enable GPU hardware acceleration. Can fail 
                               with NVIDIA cards. Works best with XWin.
      --size WIDTHxHEIGHT      Window size for option --desktop, e.g. 800x600.
      --vcxsrv                 Use X server VcXsrv.
      --xwin                   Use X server XWin.
      --clipboard [=yes|no]    Enable clipboard sharing yes/no. Default: yes.
      --display N              Use display number N for new X server.
                               If the display number is already in use, runx will 
                               only provide the likely access credentials.
      --ip ADRESS              IP adress to use. Default: First found 192.168.*
      --no-auth                Disable X cookie authentication. Discouraged.
      --cleanup                Stop all X servers and delete cookies.
  -v, --verbose                Be verbose.

Installation of runx in WSL:
 - Copy runx into /usr/local/bin/
 - Make runx executeable:        sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/runx
 - Install xauth:                sudo apt update
                                 sudo apt install xauth

Install an X server on Windows:
  runx supports two X servers: VcXsrv and XWin. Install at least one of them.
   - VcXsrv: Download and install from:
   - XWin: Download and install Cygwin64 with packages: xinit xauth
VcXsrv is easier to install. XWin provides a better GPU support.

WSL, Cygwin: runx starts XWin if available, otherwise it starts VcXsrv.
MSYS2:       runx supports VcXsrv only.


Example to directly run an application with runx:
 - Install file manager pcmanfm: sudo apt update
                                 sudo apt install pcmanfm
 - Run pcmanfm with:             runx -- pcmanfm

Example to run Mate desktop:
 - Install Mate desktop with:    sudo apt install mate-desktop-environment
 - Run Mate desktop with:        runx --desktop -- mate-session

Example to get a Wayland environment:
 - Install Wayland compositor:   sudo apt install weston
 - Run Weston with:              XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp  runx -- weston

Providing an X server in background all the time:
 - Create an entry in ~/.bashrc: source /usr/local/bin/runx
 - In future terminal session you can directly run GUI commands.
   E.g. just type:  'pcmanfm'  instead of 'runx -- pcmanfm'.
 - If you specify a display number with --display, runx will re-use
   a possibly already running X server with same display number
   and only provide the access credentials DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY.
   This allows to use the same X server across several terminals.

runx stores the access credentials DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY in ~/.Xenv
This allows sourcing the file for custom access setups.

runx version 0.4.20
Please report issues and get help at:


runx running Mate desktop on MS Windows: Mate Desktop on MS Windows