n-ce / ytify

Opus Audio Streaming Web App for YouTube. Stop watching, Listen & Save Data.
GNU General Public License v3.0
131 stars 47 forks source link
audio css good-first-issue html invidious lit-element music music-player opus piped pwa spotify streaming typescript vanilla-typescript vite youtube youtube-player ytmusic
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ytify is a simple WebApp, built with vanilla TypeScript for maximum efficiency, that streams only audio from YouTube. Listen to Podcasts, Audiobooks, Music, Livestreams and other Audio focused YouTube Videos, even under the lowest network conditions.

As covered in https://blog.csdn.net/gitblog_00024/article/details/139895018

What else are you getting ?


WHY / The story of ytify with n-ce

Usage 👆

https://ytify.netlify.app is the only official location that the main branch is directly connected to.

Privacy Policy 👁️

We use Beampipe Analytics for minimal site stats, only the browser user-agent data is collected anonymously for this. Everything else remains on your device only, which can also be cleared anytime.(Library>Clean, Settings>Restore Settings,Clear Caches). Why collect data? I do not possess a multitude of devices, the analytics help me figure out which devices are suffering from incompatibility or if a failed update has been made or if some API instance has stopped working.

License 📝

Read More.

Contributing 📋

This project is actively seeking contributors, Read More Here.

Development 🔧

  1. Prerequisites : Node.js , Beginner TypeScript Knowledge.

  2. Clone repository with

    git clone https://github.com/n-ce/ytify --depth 1


    gh repo clone n-ce/ytify -- --depth 1
  3. Move to Directory, Update & Install Dependencies

    cd ytify ; npm run update; npm i
  4. If you prefer using DevTools, you may disable eruda in vite.config.ts injectEruda(false),

  5. Start the development server and open localhost

    npm run dev -- --open
  6. Learn More at our wiki.

Acknowledgements 🙏