n8acl / aprsnotify

APRS Notification bot for various Social Media Networks
GNU General Public License v3.0
14 stars 2 forks source link
aprs aprs-packet bot discord discord-bot hamradio hamradio-application mastodon mattermost notification packet-data pushover python3 slack telegram telegram-bot twitter weather


Current Release 02032023

Notice 06/09/2024 - As of today, I discovered that the OpenweatherMap API has been updated to v3.0 and the v2.5 will be deprecated this month. This will probably break the script at that point. For the new v3.0 they will continue to let it be free, but they want you to enter a credit card in case you go over the alloted number of calls in the month. This is not ok with me and I will be looking to replace the API with something else. I just found out about this today and I will have an updated version along with other updates to APRSNotify as soon as I can.

APRSNotify is a python based bot script designed to send parsed APRS packet data to various Social Media or Communications networks.

This software is for use by Amateur Radio Operators only.

This bot was designed to be used by one person with multiple APRS Trackers to track packets for that one person. There is the ability to send to club chat servers, but again, each person will need to run their own copy of the script. However, a club hosted version is in the works.

Please see the Wiki for more information and installation and configuration steps as well as running the script.

Working Examples:

Important Note

Due to the announcement that Twitter will be Discontinuing the free developer API on February 9, 2023, as of February 3, 2023 APRSNotify no longer supports Twitter. You will need to update to the current release if you are running APRSNotify to remove the Twitter support if you want to continue using it.

Currently Supported Networks/Functions
Function Supported Services
Position Packet Data
Weather Packet Data
Telegram, Mastodon, Discord, Mattermost, Slack
Message Notification Telegram, Discord, Pushover, Mattermost, Slack
Send Packet Data
to Club Server
Telegram, Discord, Mattermost, Slack


Use Cases


Normal Upgrade

To upgrade to the current version of the script, enter the folder where you have the APRSNotify scrpts and do a git pull -ff to get the newest updated scripts. Then please run the update.py python3 update.py script. It will update your database to the most current version.

If you are installing the whole script for the first time (i.e. have never used APRSNotify before), please run an_util.py instead. Only run the upgrade script if you have used APRSNotify before and have previously upgraded to version 4.

Upgrading a version older than Version 4 to current version

Please note that any version prior to 4 has had to be depreciated and is no longer supported. With all the changes, it is difficult to support those older versions with the new version.

The easiest way to upgrade a version of APRSNotify that is older than Version 4 is to make sure to backup the config.py file to another location and then deleting the old APRSnotify script folder. Then clone the repo to get the latest script files. This allows you to setup the script as basically a brand new setup, just follow the directions in the wiki for a new setup and using the an_util.py file. You can use your old config.py file as reference to copy and paste your keys and things in as needed.


The Original Telegram Notify bot functionality was based off a gist by Github user Lucaspg96. Click Here.

Adding Grid Square to Status message was suggested by Alex, N7AGF.

The Grid Square Function was developed by Walter Underwood, K6WRU and posted on ham.stackexchange.com. Click Here

The map image functionality for the Telegram Bot and suggestions to include or not include Weather data among other suggestions were contributed by Chanyeol Yoo, Ph.D., VK2FAED

APRS.FI API Limitations issues found and troubleshot by Alex Bowman, KN4KNG.

Installation of the Verison 4 scripts troubleshot by Diego, EA3ICN.

Pushover Notification API mechanics from Micheal Clemens, DL6MHC

APRS and the APRS System and associated copyright were developed by Bob Bruninga, WB4APR (SK) http://www.aprs.org.


If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to me. You can reach me in one of the following ways:

Or open an issue on Github. I will respond to it, and of course you, when I can. Remember, this is a hobby and there are other daily distractors that come first, like work, school and family.

If you reach out to me and have an error, please include what error you are getting and what you were doing. I may also ask you to send me certain files to look at. Otherwise just reach out to me :).

Change Log

Changes Prior to current year have been moved to the ChangeLog on the wiki.