natestemen / cultvoucher

my voucher into the cult that is the work force 📜
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academia continuous-deployment cv latex resume

Cult Voucher

My CV which will get me jobs/opportunities because it looks hot af and my name is pretty white. Please use this, and give me credit if you want, but pretty sure I stole half of this from other people, so do what you want.

I've use this to


This repo also has two uses of Github Actions:

  1. Build the PDF from main.tex and deploy to server via ssh
  2. Remind me to update the damn thing quarterly by opening a github issue automatically.

These are done in build.yaml and remind.yaml respectively. They have saved me a lot of ssh-ing which if I can avoid, I will.

A brief history

I've also written a script to generate the following gif using the git history.

an animated history of this CV