nathan-gs / ha-map-card

A Map Card for Home Assistant
MIT License
15 stars 4 forks source link
geospatial home-assistant leafletjs lovelace-card maps

Home Assistant Map Card

Take a look at the blog post introducing the custom:map-card for Home Assistant.

An example of the custom:map-card



  1. Copy map-card.js to your /var/lib/hass/www folder.
  2. Click on Edit Dashboard, Manage resources add /local/map-card.js as JavaScript Module.



The PR to add this to the default HACS repo is still open:

Follow the instructions to add a HACS Custom Repository.



Home Assistant contains a native map feature, if you don't need advanced features like WMS layers it might be a better choice.


type: custom:map-card
x: 51.23
y: 3.652

More advanced


Take a look at:


name Default note
x Longitude
y Latitude
history_start Date: 2022-03-01T12:00:00Z
Time code: 5 hours ago
Entity: input_number.example_number
See History options for full details.
history_end now Date: 2022-03-01T12:00:00Z
Time code: 5 hours ago
Entity: input_number.example_number
See History options for full details.
focus_entity Entity to focus on. Map will default to show all markers if this and X/Y are not set.
title If empty, don't show a title
zoom 12 The zoom level. Ignored unless focus_entity or X & Y coords are set.
card_size 5 The Home Assistant card size
entities [] Array of entities, will be listed as markers
wms [] WMS Layers, an array of WMS see below
tile_layers [] Tile Layers, an array of Tile Layers see below
tile_layer_url{z}/{x}/{y}.png Override the default map source
tile_layer_attribution &copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> Set the correct map attribution
tile_layer_options {} The options for the default TileLayer
history_date_selection false Will link with a energy-date-selection on the page to provide an interactive date range picker.
theme_mode auto auto, light ordark
debug false Enable debug messages in console.

If x & y or focus_entity is not set it will take the lat/long from the first entity.

Entity options

Either the name of the entity or: name Default note
entity The entity id
display marker icon, state or marker. marker will display the picture if available
picture Set a custom picture to use on the marker.
size 48 Size of the icon
color Random Color Can defined as red, rgb(255,0,0), rgba(255,0,0,0.1), #ff0000, var(--red-color)
css text-align: center; font-size: 60%; CSS for the marker (only for state and marker)
history_start Will inherit from map config if not set.
Date: 2022-03-01T12:00:00Z
Time code: 5 hours ago
Entity: input_number.example_number
See History options for full details.
history_end now Will inherit from map config if not set.
Date: 2022-03-01T12:00:00Z
Time code: 5 hours ago
Entity: input_number.example_number
See History options for full details.
history_line_color Random Color Can defined as red, rgb(255,0,0), rgba(255,0,0,0.1), #ff0000, var(--red-color)
history_show_lines true Show the path
history_show_dots true Show little dots on the path
fixed_x Display a fixed marker, this will ignore the latitude/longitude attributes
fixed_y Display a fixed marker, this will ignore the latitude/longitude attributes
fallback_x If the latitude/longitude is missing, use these fixed attributes
fallback_y If the latitude/longitude is missing, use these fixed attributes
tap_action {"action": "more-info"} Allow custom action to be triggered when this entity is clicked. Actions include more-info, call-service, navigate, url, assist, none. Some actions require additional paramaters. navigate requires a navigation_path. url requires a url_path. call-service requires service and an optional data

History options.

If history_date_selection:true, any entities that do not define their own history_start and history_end configuration will be automatically linked to this. Please ensure a card of type: energy-date-selection exists on the page before enabling this.

This can be added via the "Add Card" dialog by selecting Manual and entering the text type: energy-date-selection.

Alternatively history_start and history_end can be set to

If you want to specify your own unit, configure the history_start/history_end as the below.

  entity: input_number.example_number_value
  suffix: days ago

Each entity can individually override the base config by setting its own history_start/history_end, using any of the options above. Any entity without its own settings will inherit the map level config.

WMS and tile_layers options

name note
url The url of the layer
options The leaflet layer WMS options or Tile Layer options
history The name of the layer option which controls the dat, if it supports a date or time option. Set history to the name of this property. The history_start value, state or date range picker will then set this property on the layer and update it as necessary.
Advanced WMS/Tile layer options.

More complex use of the WMS/Tile history property can be configured within the history property of the layer.

    property: time
    source: input_number.test_number_value
    suffix: months ago
    force_midnight: true

Extra Tile Layers

The leaflet-extras has a nice list of available tile layer providers.


git clone

This project uses

  1. Install devenv
  2. devenv shell and then watch or devenv shell watch to immediatly drop into a watched shell.

NPM alternatives

Mentions & Discussions