neverovski / nodejs-rest-api

A sample NodeJs application, demonstrating how to use JWT Authentication, with access tokens and refresh tokens.
MIT License
19 stars 1 forks source link
apple-oauth auth authentication authorization express facebook-oauth facebook-oauth-login github-oauth github-oauth-authentation github-oauth-login google-oauth google-oauth-login jwt nodejs rest-api sql typescript

Node.js Rest API

code style: prettier Commitizen friendly Conventional Commits

This is a sample Node.js application comprehensive API including features such as user authentication, token refresh, user logout, password reset, and user management (creation, update, deletion).

Additionally, it supports authentication through various platforms including Facebook, Apple, Google, and Github. Twitter and LinkedIn are planned for future integration.

The project also includes a Swagger documentation.


API Documentation

The REST API exposes its OpenAPI. You can view the API definition interactively using the Swagger UI, hosted at /docs. Simply start the server and navigate to in your browser to access the Swagger UI.

Alternatively, you can explore the online version of the API documentation without running the server.



Development environment requirements:

Project initialization

1. [LOCAL] stage use docker-compose command

  cp .env
  docker compose up -d --build

2. Migration

  npm run migrate:create --name=<NAME>
  npm run migrate:run


1. Enable Git hooks

  npx husky install
  npx husky add .husky/commit-msg 'npm run commit-msg'
  npx husky add .husky/pre-commit 'npm run pre-commit'

2. Why is my git pre-commit hook not executable by default?

  chmod ug+x .husky/*
  chmod ug+x .git/hooks/*

3. Git commit

  npm run commit

4. Project release

  npm run release:patch // Patch release 0.1.0 -> 0.1.1
  npm run release:minor // Minor release 0.1.1 -> 0.2.0
  npm run release:major // Major release 0.2.0 -> 1.0.0

5. Project Structure

Name Description
src/ Source files
src/common/ Modules shared across different parts of the project
src/common/constants/ Constant values used across the application
src/common/decorators/ Decorators to enhance classes or class members
src/common/dtos/ Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) for data encapsulation
src/common/entities/ Classes defining the structure of database data
src/common/enums/ Enumeration types used across the application
src/common/exceptions/ Exception classes for error handling
src/common/interfaces/ Interface definitions used throughout the application
src/common/schemas/ Schema definitions for data validation
src/common/types/ Custom type definitions used in the application
src/common/utils/ Utility functions used across the application
src/config/ Configuration files
src/core/ Core application files
src/database/ Database connection, migration, seed, constraints, etc.
src/i18n/ Internationalization files
src/middleware/ Middleware for the application
src/modules/ Application modules
src/providers/ Providers for the application
templates/ Templates for the application
build/ Compiled source files
tests/ Test cases
tests/e2e/ End-to-end test cases
tests/unit/ Unit test cases
tests/integration/ Integration test cases for API routes

6. Production Best Practices: Security


Happy to get your feedback, but also you are feel free to raise a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT. See the file for details.