nikstur / bombon

Nix CycloneDX Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs)
MIT License
68 stars 10 forks source link
bill-of-materials bom components cyclonedx dependencies license nix nixos purl sbom sbom-generator software-bill-of-materials spdx


Automagically build CycloneDX Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs) for Nix packages!

Bombon generates CycloneDX v1.5 SBOMs which aim to be compliant with:

If you find that they aren't compliant in any way, please open an issue!

Getting Started


nix flake init -t github:nikstur/bombon

Or manually copy this to flake.nix in your repository:

# file: flake.nix
  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
    bombon.url = "github:nikstur/bombon";
    bombon.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, bombon }:
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
      packages.${system}.default = bombon.lib.${system}.buildBom pkgs.hello { };


niv init
niv add nikstur/bombon
# file: default.nix
  sources = import ./nix/sources.nix { };
  pkgs = import sources.nixpkgs { };
  bombon = import sources.bombon { inherit pkgs; };
bombon.buildBom pkgs.hello { }

Vendored Dependencies

Some language ecosystems in Nixpkgs (most notably Rust and Go) vendor dependencies. This means that not every dependency is its own derivation and thus bombon cannot record their information as it does with "normal" Nix dependencies. However, bombon can automatically read SBOMs generated by other tools (like cargo-cyclonedx) for the vendored dependencies from a passthru derivation called bombonVendoredSbom.

You can use the passthruVendoredSbom.rust function to add the bombonVendoredSbom passthru derivation to a Rust package:

myPackageWithSbom = bombon.passthruVendoredSbom.rust myPackage { inherit pkgs; };

Or using Flakes:

myPackageWithSbom = bombon.lib.${system}.passthruVendoredSbom.rust myPackage { inherit pkgs; };

An SBOM built from this new derivation will now include the vendored dependencies.


buildBom accepts options as an attribute set. All attributes are optional:


bombon.lib.${system}.buildBom pkgs.hello {
  extraPaths = [ pkgs.git ];
  includeBuildtimeDependencies = true;
  excludes = [ "service" ];

passthruVendoredSbom.rust also accepts includeBuildtimeDependencies as an optional attribute.


myPackageWithSbom = bombon.passthruVendoredSbom.rust myPackage { inherit pkgs; includeBuildtimeDependencies = true; };


During development, the Nix Repl is a convenient and quick way to test changes. Start the repl, loading your local version of nixpkgs.

nix repl <nixpkgs>

Inside the repl, load the bombon flake and build the BOM for a package you are interested in.

:l .
:b lib.x86_64-linux.buildBom python3 { }

Remember to re-load the bombon flake every time you made changes to any of the source code.


The way dependencies are retrieved using Nix is heavily influenced by this blog article from Nicolas Mattia.