Hands where I can see them (mister) -- Adora Belle Dearheart (Going Postal)
** Synopsis
A simple helpdesk tailored for use in remote-only university exercises: Students can request help, this will lead to a new request being created, along with an link to a jitsi-instance that tutors will visit to answer the students question via webconf.
** Usage
stack run -- adora-belle -p 8080 -c config.toml
This will start an instance listening at port 8080.
Visit =http://localhost:8080/index.html= for the student interface, and =http://localhost:8080/admin.html= for the admin interface. Passwords are configured using the file =config.toml=. The configuration can be updated any time, using the reload button in the admin interface.
** Configuration file
name = "Lecture TITLE"
conferenceurl = "https://meet.jit.si/"
backlogminutes = 20
[[timeslots]] day = "Thursday" start = "10:15" end = "18:45"
[[authdb]] user = 'user1' pass = 'pw' admin = false
[[authdb]] user = 'bcryptuser' pass = '$2y$14$xBBZdWgTa8fSU1aPFP5IxeVdUKfT7hUDjmusZEAiNBiYaYEGY/Sh6' admin = false
[[authdb]] user = 'admin1' pass = 'pw' admin = true
** State
Hastily thrown together during the corona crisis as a demo. Use at your own risk.
** Screenshots
*** Student UI:
*** Admin UI:
** License
AGPL3 - Because all the best things in life are free, and want to stay that way.