nordlabs / ungenotes

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electron electron-app notes typescript youtube


This project is aimed toward a nice, customized note editor for the german youtuber Unge.

Development Quick start

To begin the development with this app, you need node and yarn installed. Just checkout the repository, cd into the root project folder and run

yarn install

This installs all the necessary dependencies.

As we're using sass instead of plain css, sass must also be installed on the development system. It can be installed via

npm install -g sass

or by following the other official instructions.

Now, start the electron app with

yarn run start

That's it. Now, you can start editing the code, e.g. in VS Code or Webstorm, and enjoy the live reloading.


Commit Style

Please note that we use the style of conventional commits for our commits in this repository. They provide several benefits over generic commit styles, such as the possibility to base versioning on them.

If you want to contribute to this project, please adhere to the conventional commit rules.


The active branch for development is the corresponding branch development. It is used as a merge target for other, feature related merges and merge requests. It can, but not necessarily should, be used by project members for development.

The development branch is then merged from time to time into the main branch. This should be done via a merge request that should be approved by at least one other person.