explore different techniques to generate LR(k) parsing code
-- hand-rolled parsers for ASU grammar 4.1 and 4.55. These
parsers serve as references for how generated code should look like.
-- a type-safe LR(1) automata building engine. The idea is
to build automata and interpret it to generate code (or we can generate on-the-fly).
-- some crazy code by Drup. It can be useful.
Normal approach
Automata simulated by GADT
Hardcoded GADT
Hardcoded optimized GADT
token information --> optional intermediate data structure like a GADT? --> use typed refunctionalization to generate mutually recursive functionals (optimized)
Generate optimized GADT using MetaOCaml (techinically impossible now)
Stackless LR(1) parser
Jeremy, Runhang (01/18/16):
maybe can use direct style, which is much easier for us to generate code.
But if one state has two different reduce production rules, we can't turn
CPS to direct style. Frederic showed one state can have to different reduction
rules, so we can't have direct style :(
Take a canonical example, Grammar 4.1 in Aho.
manually go over all algorithms on paper, get very familar with LR(1) parsing process. How optimization works?
write naive LR(1) parser on computer
try different black technologies